Waiting for Life--- by Ashley Brown

And she stands,
Watching the wind-
Waiting for life to come back.
It's not time for this to end.

There's so much left-
All these things she never did...
People to talk to-
She needs to say the things left unsaid.

She waits for life to come-
But it looks like it's over...
And she cries-
She'll never get to be his lover.

She'll never get to hold him in her arms,
Whispering in his ear,
And now she's doomed to be alone-
Her biggest fear.

And she stands,
Watching the wind-
Waiting for Death to take her on-
Apparently it's time for this to end.

A/N: September 9th, 2003. Hope you liked it, can't remember what mind state I was in when I wrote this. Probably a weepy, moody, depressy one. Please review. Thanks~
