She's a little girl,
too small for the aura that surrounds her,
too young for the wisdom lurking behind
those pretty green eyes,
too innocent for the knowledge
and the burden it becomes.
They say she's haunted,
and that's certainly a possibility.
What other word is there for an infant
who sees auras, a two year old
who points at ghosts, a toddler
who watches the faeries dance?
Demon, some would whisper,
possessed, others declare, and
point their fingers at the babe, and
pray for the spirits to leave her
youthful soul, for grace to find
this ethereal and too-wise child.
And as for the girl?
Wide-eyed with wonder, she sees the
world with a view they will never
comprehend. More colors, hers,
more music and laughter, more joy
that they can never know.
Her mother calls her
changeling child, and perhaps she is,
and as she grows becomes a maiden
gifted with Sight and Knowledge
beyond this world, beyond the understanding
of those who would shudder, and call her