I know that you my faithful readers have been eagerly awaiting the second part of this story (that's what I keep telling myself). Well here it is. I hope that you like this as well, or perhaps better than the last one. If there is anything you want to see or don't get, don't hesitate to ask me. I love when people get involved in my story and want to know more. Have fun. One more thing: there will be sex, violence, and other bad things. If any of this offends you, do not read past this chapter. Also, there will be characters deaths, and harm done to little children. Nothing graphic and nothing to try to kill me over, but again, if this bothers you do not read this. With that said, I hope you enjoy this.


Bill eyed the letter from his brother with trepidation. It had been at least 6 months since he'd heard from him. He'd written to his brother a month ago to let him know of his upcoming nuptials and engagement party. He could have done without the party, but Desiree had insisted and he wanted to see her happy after the hellish year she'd had. He walked back to the house, mail in hand.

"Hey, what did we get?" Desiree asked, coming from the bedroom in a pair of sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt. She was still getting her things organized from her move in with him.

"I got a letter from Collin." Bill answered absently. He walked past Desiree, not noticing her confused look. Walking into the kitchen, he set the rest of the mail on the kitchen island.

"Who's Collin?" Desiree was rummaging through the refrigerator, looking for something to make for dinner.

"He's my brother." Bill answered off-handedly, flipping the envelope over and ripping it open. He looked up startled when he heard a crash. Desiree had dropped a jar of jelly in the floor. He rushed around the island to make sure she was ok. "Baby, you all right?" he asked anxiously, checking her over.

"You have a brother?" Desiree asked in a strangled voice. It hit her at that moment that she barely knew anything about this man; this man whom she had agreed to marry and was now living with. What else was he keeping from her?

Bill froze. Belatedly, he remembered that He'd never told her about his family. It dawned on him that she knew hardly anything about him. He could see this leading to a huge fight. "Baby-"

Desiree cut him off with a wave of her hand. She picked her way carefully though the broken glass, watchful not to cut her feet and stalked off to the bedroom. Bill cringed as the door slammed shut. Bill looked at the mess on the floor and began picking it up. Desiree hadn't come out by the time he was done, so he figured he'd give her some more time to cool off. Grabbing his letter, he sat down at the kitchen table Desiree had convinced him to buy and began to read the letter.

Sorry it took so long to write this letter. Work has been
hectic and I haven't had time to keep up. I'm glad to hear
that you're engaged. Perhaps things will work out this
time. I'd be honored to attend your engagement party. I'm
sorry that Mom and Dad won't be there, but maybe they will
come around one day. They just need time to see the truth.
Even if they don't, I'm still here. Small comfort I know,
but hey! I'll call to let you know when I'm coming in and
to get the rest of the information.
Your Brother,

"When were you going to tell me?"

Bill turned his head to look at Desiree. Getting up slowly, he walked over to where Desiree was standing behind the island. Reaching out, he was heartened when she didn't pull away as he placed a hand on her waist. He remembered when she used to do that when she was mad at him. Lightly massaging the spot under his hand, he took a deep breath, and began to tell her about his brother.

"I was 17 when he was born. My mother called him her 'little surprise'. I admit, I was a little put out. I'd been used to being the only child. He didn't let me stay that way though." Bill gave a chuckle, "I remember when they brought him home. He opened his eyes and looked at me and I was hooked. He had me wrapped around his little finger."

"Why haven't I met him?" Desiree asked. When Bill didn't answer, she made to move away, but was stopped when his hand tightened on her waist. Bill was looking down, avoiding her gaze. After a moment, Desiree let out a sight of resignation and patted the hand on her waist. "IF you don't want to tell me, that's fine."

Bill looked up and held her gaze, before looking at his hand that was clenched at her waist, "I will tell you. Just not now." Bill looked into Desiree's eyes, silently pleading with her to understand.

Desiree gave a small grin before stepping closer and wrapping her arms around his neck. Rubbing her cheek against his beard, she nipped at his ear. Delighting in his shivers, she pulled back and looked him in his eyes, "Ok, but don't make me wait too long." She wagged her finger at him.

Bill gave a sensual grin before leaning in and capturing her finger in his mouth. He held Desiree's gaze as his tongue swirled around the captive digit. Wrapping both arms around her waist, he cupped her buttocks, bringing her close to his body. He smiled around her finger when she let out a throaty whimper and closed her eyes.

Desiree let out a frustrated growl and opened her eyes when Bill pulled back. "Don't you have to finish unpacking?" Bill shot her an amused grin before heading into the living room. Desiree stared after him with disbelieving eyes before stomping off the bedroom. Bill laughed before plopping down on the sofa. Grabbing the remote control, he flipped through the channels aimlessly, letting his mind wander. He thought back to the first day Desiree moved in. It had been a week after her friends Janet's death. She'd tried to act brave, but Bill could see she was starting to crack, having lost two friends in the span of a month and half. Her parents had been reluctant to let her move in, with the shape she was in, but they had relented when they saw how happy she was. Bill let out another laugh as he remembered that was the first time he'd met her father. Her parents had come up to help her move and it was then that he'd come face to face with the oversized, stern-faced, dark skinned man, he'd been tempted to run. It didn't help matters that he always had a smile or a nice word for Desiree or her mother, but only spoke the bare minimum to him. SO it had come as a shock when, as her parents were leaving from dropping her off, her father had pulled him aside to talk. "I'm trusting you with my baby girl. You'd better take care of her." With that, her father had walked out the door. Bill was pulled from his memories when he felt hands sliding down his chest. He tilted his head back and looked up to see Desiree leaning over him, smiling down at him.

"Come see the room." Desiree grabbed Bills hand and dragged him to the room.

He hadn't been allowed in before now, Desiree saying it was a surprise. Bill's eyes widened as he took in his room. Desiree had added her own touches to the room. The pillows on the bed had multiplied, adding to the lushness of the bed. She had placed pillar candles on his nightstand and the top of the armoire. He grinned hugely at the stuffed animals she had placed on the bench at the foot of his bed.

"Look at the closet." Desiree urged eagerly.

Bill was flabbergasted at what he saw. Desiree had reorganized his closet. He stared at it in wonder.

"I put your clothes on one side and mine on the other. I arranged your stuff with shirts first, then ties, and pants last. I even organized your shirts by color and sleeve length." Desiree finished giddily. She'd been so sure he'd like it, "I'm going to get shoe racks so we can have more space. What do you think?" Desiree wanted Bill to like it. She stood right behind him, waiting anxiously for Bill to answer, wringing her hands in nervousness.

Bill was astounded. It wasn't so much that she had organized the closet; it was the simple joy of seeing her clothes next to his. Bill turned to Desiree, and pulled her to him, swooping in and claiming her mouth in a fiery passion. Walking her backwards, he continued to ravish her mouth, rubbing and caressing her body. Only taking his lips off hers to take off her shirt and his, he stripped them both before tumbling to the bed with her, sweeping the pillows off the bed. Lying on top of her, Bill swept his tongue in, tasting her. He left not part of her mouth unclaimed and was pleased when she mewled in the back of her throat and arched her body up.
Desiree was bombarded with sensations. All she could do was clutch at Bill's shoulders and allow herself to be overwhelmed by desire.
Bill made love to Desiree over and over again. He couldn't seem to get enough of her.

Several hours later, Bill lay next to Desiree, his body spent, her head on his arm using it as a pillow. Bill was lying on his back, playing with her hand that was resting on his chest. Abandoning her hand, he rolled on to his side and pulled her close to him. He smiled at the disgruntled noise she made when he shifted his arm to curl around her back.

Opening her eyes, she looked at him with bleary eyes, "So, I guess that means you like it?"

Bill laughed quietly before leaning forward and planting a warm, deep kiss on her mouth, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, "Thank you." Bill answered, pulling back.

Desiree let out a hum of pleasure while snuggling closer to Bill. "Good." she slurred a few moments later, before falling asleep. Bill watched her sleep, running his hands up and down her arms. When she started to shiver, he reached down and pulled up a blanket from the foot of his bed, tucking it around the both of them. 'This year is going to be a good year for us" he thought to himself, before falling asleep.