A/N: Wee! Thank you soo much to my reviewers! 4 reviews! Woo hoo! Ah...
this chapter was actually supposed to be longer with lots of Taima/Travis
action but... I was too lazy to type up the rest up. I'll get it posted
eventually... Really....
Chapter Three: Giving In To Temptation
Why didn't I push him away? Travis thought to himself as he ran back to his room and sat on his bed. Why did I have to enjoy it so much? Damnit... "Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck..." Travis blinked. "Articulate Travis..." Great, now I'm talking to myself.
After a few minutes he got up and headed to Music Theory.
When Travis ran away, Taima headed back to his room. Stupid! he thought. I probably scared him off! Shit... He walked around for a few more minutes before sighing and wandering off to art class, even though it wouldn't start for 10 more minutes.
Adrian sat on his bed, crying softly. He didn't have the strength to go to class. There was a knock on the door. He ignored it. Whoever it was knocked again.
"Please Adrian... If you're in there, open the door." It was Mr. Smith.
Fuck, Adrian though. He got up and walked to the door, opening it. His teacher was about to say something, but stopped short when he saw Adrian's wet cheeks.
"Uh... Can I come in?"
Adrian moved to let him in.
"Adrian, why didn't you go to Mr. Baker's class? And why aren't you in class right now?"
Adrian took a moment to respond. "I didn't want to go."
"That's no reason to jepordize your education."
"Isn't it?"
Adrian sighed and pushed his hair from his face. Mental note: he thought. Get a haircut. Mr. Smith was talking to him, but Adrian wasn't listening. He was too busy watching his lips move and wondering what it would be like to kiss those lips.
"Adrian! Are you listening to me?"
"Why is your last name Smith? You look Asian..."
"My mother is Japanese, but my fater is American. Isn't this a bit off topic?"
"Do you speak Japanese?" Adran asked egerly, wanting to know more about Jason.
"Say something in Japanese."
"Because I want you to. Humor me."
"Konnichiwa. Happy?"
"Good enough, I suppose."
"Why were you crying?"
"Because my life sucks," Adrian replied, picking at his nail polish.
"Why does it suck?"
"Oh, I don't know... I have a crush on someone I can't have... My best friend hates me... So does everyone else, I guess."
"I don't hate you, Adrian."
Adrian scoffed.
"I don't..." Jason sighed. "Why is your friend mad at you?"
"Because I didn't tell him something about myself..."
"Care to share what that thing was?"
"Not with you," Adrian answered.
"Okay then. About the crush... Tell this person how you feel. You never know, they might feel the same about you..."
"I don't think I can tell this person..." He sighed. "A relationship with them would be impossible."
"Why do you say that? Nothing is impossible."
Adrian sighed. "It's a teacher."
Jason's eyes widened. "Oh... But... all of the teachers here are male... Oh..."
"Yes... I'm gay, ok? I'm a freak. I'm a stupid little fag that has no fucking friends."
"That's not true..." Jason frowned. "I'm sure you have friends..." He looked uncomfortable for a moment. "Do you mind if I ask who the teacher is?"
Adrian looked at him for a moment before kissing him quickly on the lips. "Does that answer your question? Why don't you just leave me alone? Why do you have to be so fucking nice?"
Quite suddenly, he was cut off by Jason's lips covering his own. He felt Jason's hand on his shoulder, pushing him back onto the bed, with Jason on top of him. Adrian pulled away.
"You could lose your job for this, you know," Adrian told him.
"It's a risk I'm willing to take..." He kissed Adrian again, thanking God that he didn't have a class this period.
Chapter Three: Giving In To Temptation
Why didn't I push him away? Travis thought to himself as he ran back to his room and sat on his bed. Why did I have to enjoy it so much? Damnit... "Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck..." Travis blinked. "Articulate Travis..." Great, now I'm talking to myself.
After a few minutes he got up and headed to Music Theory.
When Travis ran away, Taima headed back to his room. Stupid! he thought. I probably scared him off! Shit... He walked around for a few more minutes before sighing and wandering off to art class, even though it wouldn't start for 10 more minutes.
Adrian sat on his bed, crying softly. He didn't have the strength to go to class. There was a knock on the door. He ignored it. Whoever it was knocked again.
"Please Adrian... If you're in there, open the door." It was Mr. Smith.
Fuck, Adrian though. He got up and walked to the door, opening it. His teacher was about to say something, but stopped short when he saw Adrian's wet cheeks.
"Uh... Can I come in?"
Adrian moved to let him in.
"Adrian, why didn't you go to Mr. Baker's class? And why aren't you in class right now?"
Adrian took a moment to respond. "I didn't want to go."
"That's no reason to jepordize your education."
"Isn't it?"
Adrian sighed and pushed his hair from his face. Mental note: he thought. Get a haircut. Mr. Smith was talking to him, but Adrian wasn't listening. He was too busy watching his lips move and wondering what it would be like to kiss those lips.
"Adrian! Are you listening to me?"
"Why is your last name Smith? You look Asian..."
"My mother is Japanese, but my fater is American. Isn't this a bit off topic?"
"Do you speak Japanese?" Adran asked egerly, wanting to know more about Jason.
"Say something in Japanese."
"Because I want you to. Humor me."
"Konnichiwa. Happy?"
"Good enough, I suppose."
"Why were you crying?"
"Because my life sucks," Adrian replied, picking at his nail polish.
"Why does it suck?"
"Oh, I don't know... I have a crush on someone I can't have... My best friend hates me... So does everyone else, I guess."
"I don't hate you, Adrian."
Adrian scoffed.
"I don't..." Jason sighed. "Why is your friend mad at you?"
"Because I didn't tell him something about myself..."
"Care to share what that thing was?"
"Not with you," Adrian answered.
"Okay then. About the crush... Tell this person how you feel. You never know, they might feel the same about you..."
"I don't think I can tell this person..." He sighed. "A relationship with them would be impossible."
"Why do you say that? Nothing is impossible."
Adrian sighed. "It's a teacher."
Jason's eyes widened. "Oh... But... all of the teachers here are male... Oh..."
"Yes... I'm gay, ok? I'm a freak. I'm a stupid little fag that has no fucking friends."
"That's not true..." Jason frowned. "I'm sure you have friends..." He looked uncomfortable for a moment. "Do you mind if I ask who the teacher is?"
Adrian looked at him for a moment before kissing him quickly on the lips. "Does that answer your question? Why don't you just leave me alone? Why do you have to be so fucking nice?"
Quite suddenly, he was cut off by Jason's lips covering his own. He felt Jason's hand on his shoulder, pushing him back onto the bed, with Jason on top of him. Adrian pulled away.
"You could lose your job for this, you know," Adrian told him.
"It's a risk I'm willing to take..." He kissed Adrian again, thanking God that he didn't have a class this period.