– Darkness –
Smothering my soul:
Slaughtering my heart:
Drowning my hopes,
And we're just at the start.
It wraps around my core –
Clenching on my spine:
Telling the mind myths,
And I believe their lies.
The nettles in my head
Stab the feeble brain
That resides and hides inside.
It's killing broken veins.
A thick, blackened poison,
Flooding into my realm –
Joining with my mangled soul:
Taking my role at the helm.
Flames that warmed my heart,
Torched all that I hold dear:
Smoke is crushing my lungs –
Yes, this is what I fear.
Smothering my soul:
Slaughtering my heart:
Drowning my hopes,
And we're just at the start.
It wraps around my core –
Clenching on my spine:
Telling the mind myths,
And I believe their lies.
The nettles in my head
Stab the feeble brain
That resides and hides inside.
It's killing broken veins.
A thick, blackened poison,
Flooding into my realm –
Joining with my mangled soul:
Taking my role at the helm.
Flames that warmed my heart,
Torched all that I hold dear:
Smoke is crushing my lungs –
Yes, this is what I fear.