Author's Note- written at 12-22 this morning, please forgive all errors. I was a tad bit upset while writing it. Everything in this is what was running through my head, so.

"Sisterly Christmas" by Ashley Sabrina Brown

Sinking to her knees, she tried to hold back the tears. But, they came anyway. She let it all out, tears of anger, disapointment, defeat, they all came rushing out. She whispered to her goddess, begging her to end the pain. And yet, it continued.

All part of that growing up thing, she supposed.

How could she, a lowly gravel, compare to the shining stone? She was but a pebble, something not important.

No... that was just how she felt. She was important. She was. She meant something. She had big things in store for her. She'd make her own destiny if she found out that she wasn't meant for big things.

So, the worshipped one didn't live up to her expectations. Oh well. She was still her sister, and she loved her with all of her heart, no matter how many tears were brought on by the conversation.

The sister probably hated her, after all, she was just a "little smart a**" right? And soon the sister was bound to find out that the little smart a** wasn't even a Christian little smart a**, or that she was the little smart a** who probably failed Spanish... there were a few little things that weren't perfect, were'nt as great as Jade about her.... and that? That would lead to certain disownment... assuming she wasn't already disowned.

But, no matter what, she would love the sister. Even if she wasn't all she expected in a sister.

And yet, loving her didn't make the pain of those words stop. Didn't make the tears stop flowing. If anything, they made them sting worse, flow harder, the dam she'd built to fight the tears no longer effective.

Maybe she would drown in self pity and grief, but even if her sister wasn't there to pull her out, she had three sturdy life boats... one miles and miles away, the other two just down the road... They would help her through it, whether she chose to let them know they were helping or not.

But, even if her sister never spoke to her again... she would survive... because that was just how it went. It was all part of that growing up thing she'd been accused of avoiding... Avoiding it... there was nothing farther from the truth with that...

She looked up at the clock... 12:17... Merry Christmas.