Photo Album
I flipped through my photo album one day,
Guess what I saw.
The past,
The sweet and innocent past,
One uncorrupted by change and dark.
So many cheerful faces,
Smiling up at me,
Unaware of a future so different from before.
I was so surprised at how much everyone had changed.
It made my heart ache,
To want to experience it all again,
To live in the happy innocence,
Before the sudden change appeared,
Just one more time.
I saw so many friends,
That are now strangers to me.
To you people I used to know,
Do you remember these forgotten memories?
Ones that filled my empty soul,
At the sight of these pictures.
As the seasons change,
Do you remember how we used to be?
When I lost hope,
And darkness submerged me,
I saw these pictures,
And they filled me with sadness,
To see who I once was,
Who we once were,
And we can't go back to the past,
To see it all again.
Remember who we used to be.
It's so surprising,
How much memories and heartache,
A photo album can hold.

A.N: I got this when I was looking through my photo album. Dedicated to
everyone I know/knew, it's sad to see how much we changed and drifted