Whoa...this is weird. For the very first time ever, I have actually read
one of my works. Next Door Neighbour...the story that took me 87 chapters
and five months to finish. I also went back and read some of the reviews
that I recieved throughout the story, and they truly amaze me. For one last
time in this story, I really want to thank everyone who read and stuck out
the longest hidden feelings relationship known to humanity. It really was
one long story. I mean...it took me two weeks to get through. And then
every time I found a spelling/grammar mistake I wanted to shoot myself. As
I've said before, forgive my dyslexia. Things might look right to me once
but they really aren't. I've been really working to improve on that (this
is also apologizing for the mistakes in other stories as well). Really
though, the story came from the heart, from past experiences, from people
I've met once and from people I've known my entire life. Everything in the
story was sort of a really messed up autobiography of the world around me.
Although I don't have someone like Mark in my life (and it truly is a shame
that I don't) he was sort of the model of everyone I've ever met that has
ever taught me something. I don't know how well I am really explaining
this, and it is a bit on the strange side that I am writing this three
months after the story has been finished, but reading it, then reading the
reviews and whatnot made me want to once again thank everyone who ever took
their time to read my story. I'm forever in debt...and I have gone to
everyone's account and read at least one thing, I promise. I'm just not the
best person to write reviews. So without further adieu...here are some
FAQ's, that will now be answered that were asked in many reviews and
1. Will Mark and Harmony ever get together?
Yes. They will. Once and finally. *giggles* But everyone knows that one already! They do love eachother. They are just too thick to realize it. It really is a beautiful love scene...I even went to a sex tips for writers site to try and make that one. I got a little scared and left, but I got enough to make the kissing seem real. hee. Well I hope everyone was happy about that scene. It took me a week to write. And I had to visit some scary sites along the way.
2. What character do you see yourself as most?
Hmm...I'd have to say that I am a mix between Harmony and Jack. I have the horrid crude humour of Jack and I like to tell people to suck it up. I'm an actress like Harmony, and I really do have dreams of attending the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. My favourite band happens to be Nirvana, as well. Mark basically is my dream guy. I don't want to ruin any imaginative pictures you have made of what he really is supposed to look like, so I won't tell you who he is modled after, but if you're smart you'll probably figure it out just by the description. Choo...I am nothing like...nothing at all. She is actually loosely based on a girl I have known for a very long time. Jack isn't really based on anyone. Just a lot of people I have met over the years. I made him bisexual because he is sort of the best of both worlds. I think anyone could relate to him. He's just a guy who likes to have fun. Brad. Brad is just sort of the person who you think you know, but really you have no idea. Brad is that one who comes back to bite you in the arse. Alex is sort of a cross between a friend of mine (who is insanely protective) and a cousin that works in the peace corp. Ashley quite reminds me of my sister. She's on the bubbly side...likes to work out (although I'm the vegetarian in the family). She sort of has a better feel for being in a serious relationship...she wears the pants most of the time. And she listens to that blasted country music. Mark's mother is like my mother. She gets pissed whenever I have my birthday. She doesn't want me to grow up. I'm not really any character...there is parts of me in all of them, but parts of other people too. I tried to make them all very close to reality...the kind of characters that while you're reading you think that they remind you of a friend, or you fall in love with them, or you believe every word they are saying even though you know that they are lying. I really wanted a grounded feel to them. I didn't want people to think "Oh that only happens in fairy tales" and that is one of the reason why the plot was the way it was. It dragged on, because life often drags on...and then a drastic change comes your way which teaches you something.
3. When will they ever get together?
Oh come on...it's chapter 85. :-)
4. Why did it have to end that way?
It ended the way it did because life often ends that way. I took an awful big stretch by writing that chance encounter for the epilogue, but real life really doesn't work that way. I promised myself from the beginning that I was going to write a story based souly on the reality of the way people come into your life and the way people leave it. That was sort of a big theme. Mark moved on, as did Harmony, found the person he loved second-best and married her. Sometimes you can't have what you want, and it sucks. And that's what happened here. It's sad, but he's still happy, and she's still happy. I guess it ended that way to show the theme of reality. I didn't want a happy ending because normally an ending isn't happy.
Wow...I wrote a lot more than I intended to, but I guess I just wanted to explain a few things. Maybe I'll write a sequel showing what could have happened. Or maybe it will show that they were never really meant to be together. Or maybe he'll divorce his wife, flee the country, and go live with Harmony in Bangledesh. I think that makes for an awesome story line. *_* but what about his daughter? Simple...she becomes a Buddhist monk and retreats to the mountains where she lives amongst the goats. See...think what you want. It could go anywhere. Look out for future comings. One of them just might pop up some time or another.
*small plug* In the mean time, try reading my latest story "Fading Memories". I've been on a bit of a crap-spree with Mental Poetry.
Thank you all again, and email or IM me any time!
1. Will Mark and Harmony ever get together?
Yes. They will. Once and finally. *giggles* But everyone knows that one already! They do love eachother. They are just too thick to realize it. It really is a beautiful love scene...I even went to a sex tips for writers site to try and make that one. I got a little scared and left, but I got enough to make the kissing seem real. hee. Well I hope everyone was happy about that scene. It took me a week to write. And I had to visit some scary sites along the way.
2. What character do you see yourself as most?
Hmm...I'd have to say that I am a mix between Harmony and Jack. I have the horrid crude humour of Jack and I like to tell people to suck it up. I'm an actress like Harmony, and I really do have dreams of attending the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. My favourite band happens to be Nirvana, as well. Mark basically is my dream guy. I don't want to ruin any imaginative pictures you have made of what he really is supposed to look like, so I won't tell you who he is modled after, but if you're smart you'll probably figure it out just by the description. Choo...I am nothing like...nothing at all. She is actually loosely based on a girl I have known for a very long time. Jack isn't really based on anyone. Just a lot of people I have met over the years. I made him bisexual because he is sort of the best of both worlds. I think anyone could relate to him. He's just a guy who likes to have fun. Brad. Brad is just sort of the person who you think you know, but really you have no idea. Brad is that one who comes back to bite you in the arse. Alex is sort of a cross between a friend of mine (who is insanely protective) and a cousin that works in the peace corp. Ashley quite reminds me of my sister. She's on the bubbly side...likes to work out (although I'm the vegetarian in the family). She sort of has a better feel for being in a serious relationship...she wears the pants most of the time. And she listens to that blasted country music. Mark's mother is like my mother. She gets pissed whenever I have my birthday. She doesn't want me to grow up. I'm not really any character...there is parts of me in all of them, but parts of other people too. I tried to make them all very close to reality...the kind of characters that while you're reading you think that they remind you of a friend, or you fall in love with them, or you believe every word they are saying even though you know that they are lying. I really wanted a grounded feel to them. I didn't want people to think "Oh that only happens in fairy tales" and that is one of the reason why the plot was the way it was. It dragged on, because life often drags on...and then a drastic change comes your way which teaches you something.
3. When will they ever get together?
Oh come on...it's chapter 85. :-)
4. Why did it have to end that way?
It ended the way it did because life often ends that way. I took an awful big stretch by writing that chance encounter for the epilogue, but real life really doesn't work that way. I promised myself from the beginning that I was going to write a story based souly on the reality of the way people come into your life and the way people leave it. That was sort of a big theme. Mark moved on, as did Harmony, found the person he loved second-best and married her. Sometimes you can't have what you want, and it sucks. And that's what happened here. It's sad, but he's still happy, and she's still happy. I guess it ended that way to show the theme of reality. I didn't want a happy ending because normally an ending isn't happy.
Wow...I wrote a lot more than I intended to, but I guess I just wanted to explain a few things. Maybe I'll write a sequel showing what could have happened. Or maybe it will show that they were never really meant to be together. Or maybe he'll divorce his wife, flee the country, and go live with Harmony in Bangledesh. I think that makes for an awesome story line. *_* but what about his daughter? Simple...she becomes a Buddhist monk and retreats to the mountains where she lives amongst the goats. See...think what you want. It could go anywhere. Look out for future comings. One of them just might pop up some time or another.
*small plug* In the mean time, try reading my latest story "Fading Memories". I've been on a bit of a crap-spree with Mental Poetry.
Thank you all again, and email or IM me any time!