*Part two: Silderan*

Walking gracefully among the thick, spongy mosses at the edge of the woods, the deer looked down at the creature curled up in a nest of leaves and moss. Leaning down to smell the strange thing, it shifted slightly and the doe took a step away from it.

Sei sat up, rubbing his head. Looking to his side, he noticed the creature that'd awakened him. "Manna. Hey girl…" He reached up and scratched the deer behind her ear. "What are you doing here so early?" Rubbing his eye tiredly, he yawned and stretched.

 He'd been here for only a little over a month, but already he'd gotten used to the creatures around here, and even sleeping on the ground. Though he hadn't understood the language of the creatures here at first, he'd quickly learned under the tutelage of his newfound mentor. He was a large, fearsome-looking Manticor named Roncoalden, with reddish brown fur, yellow eyes, and a stern yet warm personality. Like a father, almost, he watched over Sei and taught him the ways of the garden.

Manna, the elderly deer that had awoken him, he had met on his way through the dark central valley his first day. He'd tripped over her as she slept, and at first the two hadn't gotten along. But as the boy began learning her language, she'd sought him out and they'd become good friends.

Sei looked up at the light blue morning sky, eyes drifting across the dome-like expanse that slowly faded from white-pink to purple-blue. Fluffy pink and purple clouds floated across the great blue field, wisps of heavens cotton candy. A few of the brighter stars managed to peek through the morning glow, standing out like flecks of silver on iridescent satin. The sounds of birds chirruping happily from their under-brush nests reached his ears, along with the burbling brook he'd slept along last night.

This place, with its warm climate and beautiful atmosphere, had become Sei's home. And for once in his short life, he felt welcome.

A large paw suddenly landed on his delicate shoulder, and Sei jumped subconsciously before realizing it was just his mentor.

"Good morning, young nymph. How fare you this morn? I trust you slept at ease?" Roncoalden smiled down at him toothily, revealing rows of serrated fangs. In spite of having a face like a man, his body was that of a large lion, he had a scorpions tail, and folded bat-like wings rested on either side of his spiked back. His fur, short and soft, was a shade of dirt red that made him look almost devilish. Topped off with his strange way of talking, he gave Sei the impression of having been born somewhere outside this paradise.

"Yeah, I did." The elfin boy stretched and yawned, mussing up his hair in the manner of one who knew he was going to have to get up soon but didn't want to. Curling his legs underneath him, he looked up at his lion-like teacher. "So, what's planned for today, Ronden?"

Roncoalden smiled at the nickname. "No plans for today. You've been learning at such speed, I felt you'd benefit from a day's ease. Mortal ones such as your like should not rush things so." Reaching his mighty head back, he pulled a small parcel made of leaves and resin from under his wing. "A gift, for my studious companion."

Sei blinked at the package, before taking it and unwrapping it carefully. Inside was a beautiful necklace made of glass beads and gleaming stones. At the middle hung a strange piece of crystal, carved to look like a translucent green leaf. It had clearly been made with care, in spite of evidently being made by one without thumbs, or even working fingers. "Roncoalden… Thank you! It's so beautiful." He stood then, and hugged the large beast around his thick-furred neck.

His mentor purred throatily, nuzzling his young charge's hair. "You are welcome. Though I admit, Manna and the rock sprites aided in acquiring the materials. Amber does not* grow on trees."

Sei pulled back and looked over the necklace again. It gave off strange warmth as he held it in his hand, and when he tied it around his neck it felt almost like a comforting hug. He turned to his silent doe friend and rubbed her head fondly. "Thank you. Both of you." He turned to Roncoalden. "Thank the sprites for me too."

The Manticor nodded. "Of course." They exchanged a few more words before the two quadrupeds left Sei to enjoy the rest of his day.

***Later that day***

Sprawled out on his back, staring up at the clear blue sky, Sei sighed contentedly. Today had been a very relaxed and enjoyable day. Though in the past he would have enjoyed an iced orange parfait on his days of rest, he'd quickly realized he never felt hungry anymore. Even after several days without food, he hadn't felt even slightly uncomfortable. And he had yet to eat a single thing since that discovery.

A slight wind ruffled his multi-coloured hair, whisking it around his antlers and across his bare chest. It smelled faintly of cinnamon and… something else. Something faintly musky, like wood smoke and spices. It was pungent and exotic, and seemed to demand attention.

Sei sat up and turned his face to the winds source. The forest rose there, tall and lush, and deepest green. From that direction came that enticing smell, and the dryad boy stood and began towards it.

Following the crystalline river along its bank, leaves and pine needles crunching under his bare feet, he came upon the source of the water; a tall rocky spring rising up out of the fertile soil. There stood a tall, pale figure. He was bare from the waist up, splashing the cool water on his face. His hair was long and silky, the colour of a blazing sunset.

Sei stopped walking, and stared at the man. He had a sheer white cloth wrapped around his narrow hips, with golden rings along the chain that held it in place. Golden bands hung on his wrists and around his neck, bearing similar rings. His lower legs were bound with tight white leather straps, his feet bare aside from where the straps went around the arch. He hadn't yet noticed the young boy staring at him.

After a moment, he turned and caught sight of him, but showed no sign of being surprised. He simply pulled on a billowy white silk shirt and walked over to the entranced youth, his lips curled in a coy smile. He looked down at the shorter boy, and raised an eyebrow at him.

Finally Sei snapped out of his shock and looked away, a light blush tinting his cheeks. "Um… S-Sorry if I interrupted you… I-I didn't mean to."

The man smirked. "It's alright. You didn't bother me at all." He bowed then, looking into Sei's eyes. "I've actually been looking forward to meeting you. My name is Silderan." His smile took on a quiet, teasing quality. "Do… you have a name?"

Sei swallowed and nodded rapidly. "Ah! Yeah, um, my name is Sei. Sei Woodharp. I'm from the town outside the garden, Kotawara." He paused before adding hastily "I'm part Dryad, Deer, and Wood Elf, in case you're wondering why I look so strange."

At this Silderan laughed. "Yes, I could tell by looking at you. You have very delicate features, like a nymph." He reached out and cupped Sei's cheek, running his thumb over full, pouty elfin lips. Sei flinched away from the touch and let out a startled little gasp, drawing more laughter from the taller man. "Though you clearly aren't of that stock. You're far too innocent to be one of those harlots." He took on a slightly wolfish quality as his grin widened, showing off his sharp white canines.

The boy noticed upon closer inspection, that Silderan's nails were long and sharp, like needles, and he had a stylized golden sun and moon mark on his forehead that glowed faintly. It reminded him somewhat of the enchanted crests his father would put on important scrolls and books to keep nosey people from reading them. It made Sei wonder just what Silderan was, to have such unusual qualities.

The taller of the two seemed to sense the unspoken question, and chuckled. "You're wondering what I am. I can see it in your eyes." He took a step back then, and sat on a large rock at the waters edge. He dipped his clawed toes in the cool liquid, and shivered with mild pleasure as the water splashed around his ankles. He patted the rock next to him. "Join me, and I'll tell you."

Sei nodded and took the offered seat, getting his own feet wet. Looking up at the strange man again, he could see now that his ears were pointed, and throughout his long hair were bright orange feathers with blue tips. His skin had a slight sheen to it, like he'd been dusted with gold, though his pale complexion told it wasn't from being in the sun, as Sei often was. In fact, the man seemed unnaturally pale for someone from the garden.

"You're so curious, like a little wolf cub." Silderan looked down at the boy, taking his attention off the fluttering leaves above. "I can tell, you find everything fascinating, don't you? Perhaps that's why Roncoalden finds you to be such a good student." He grinned quietly at Sei's surprised look. "Yes, I do know your mentor. Quite well, actually. We came to the garden together, many years ago." He paused here to brush his fingers through Sei's hair, skimming along his antlers with his is palms. Sei shifted away some, looking up at him warily.

"I don't want to bore you, so I'll make a long story short. I'm a Suzaku. A firebird who doesn't turn to ash every hundred years, as so many do. I just take on this humanoid form, instead." Silderan smiled and lifted Sei's chin gently so the boy was looking him in the eye, ignoring his discomfort. "You're quite young looking… How old are you, Sei?"

Sei blinked, not expecting a question like that. He thought for a moment. "How old am I..? Um…." He looked down at the ground, pulling away from Silderan's searing touch and furrowing his brow. "By years, I'm about… 32, but by race I'm only 17 or so. The elf in me keeps me young." He looked back up into Silderan's bright blue eyes, wondering briefly how blue could look so vibrant in nature. "Why do you ask?"

The man laughed, a hint of embarrassment in his voice as he scratched the back of his neck. He immediately pulled back out of Sei's personal space, his hands leaving the youth's hair quickly, as they'd been fondling the soft tresses as the boy thought. He looked up at the green canopy above and watched the light filter through in bars of gold or filtered green. "17, huh...? Wow… That's really, um… Young. I had no idea."

Again, Sei was confused, and cocked his head to one side like a puppy. "Is that a bad thing?" He paused, then  "Am I too young to stay here?" he asked Silderan with obvious worry, forgetting his previous unease towards the man. "You aren't going to make me leave… are you?" his voice was quiet and uncertain.

Silderan quickly looked back down at the boy, who was now clutching at his sleeve and looking up at him with wide doe eyes. He smiled and took Sei's hands reassuringly. "No, it's not that at all. You got in, so clearly you were meant to be here. I'm sorry for worrying you." His manner was now more caring and less predatory, as though he'd found a lost child and had to take him in. "I just wasn't expecting you to be so young." He smiled. "We were told that a new person would be coming here, and that he would fit in well with us. I guess I pictured someone older."

"You were told I was coming? By who? I thought my coming here was pretty unplanned…" Sei frowned slightly, trying to think of who could have known he was being exiled to the garden. Aside from the village elders and his parents, he couldn't think of anyone. Let alone someone who could-He HHe 

The older man chuckled, shaking his head. "So full of questions… If you must know, it was the guardian who told us you were coming. Not the Rose-beast who guards the walls and gate, but the one who keeps this garden alive. The Unicorn."

***That night***

Sei was again lying on the soft ground and staring at the sky. Stars sparkled above him like distant fireflies, but he didn't notice them. His mind was mired in his newfound information. He couldn't get his thoughts past the fact that there really was a Unicorn in the garden. Or the fact that he hadn't yet seen this mystical creature. It was unnerving, considering he'd explored well over half the garden already. The place was big, but… Was it really that much bigger than he thought? He hadn't met Sild (as he called the puzzling Suzaku) before today, so it was possible he'd missed others…

Sei rolled over, and plucked a tiny white flower from the ground. Twirling it idly between his fingers, he mulled over his meeting with the fiery man. After his brief embarrassment over flirting with a young boy, Sild had apparently decided that he was more than just a mere boy, and had gone back to it once the conversation had gone into a lull.

Sei wasn't exactly sure how he felt about that… Part of him got queasy at the mere thought of being near the man, while another, long repressed part of him… Something he'd shut away in himself years ago got excited at the thought of seeing Silderan again. It confused him. So later on he'd gone to talk with Ronden about him.

***Earlier that day***

"We both come from the sand lands, though from very different residences. He, as you can probably tell, was kept caged as a pet. He's not much in the way of being normal, as far as Suzaku go. I however was from the wilds, and it wasn't until Silderan's home was destroyed in a sand squall that we actually met." Ronden looked up from his task of cleaning his paws. "Why do you ask of him, by the by?"

Sei sat down on a fallen tree stump, absently fingering his necklace. "I met him earlier today… I was just wondering why he's here…" In his time here, Sei had noticed one glaring pattern about who lived here. Everyone here was a social outcast among his or her own kind. Even Manna and Ronden were rejects in their own ways. The Manticor had a far-too kind personality, and was unable to do the things a Manticor had to do. The deer on the other hand, had a scaly golden coat and gilded horns*. Not a good thing for a creature that has to hide to stay alive. Manna's personality also seemed un-deer like, as she took a fair amount of pleasure in teasing the local predators, knowing full well they wouldn't attack her.

Sei himself was an outcast… Though, for a different reason than his friends.

Ronden rumbled in thought, the deep sound making Sei's toes tingle. He laid his chin on his massive paws and closed his eyes. Sei knew this meant he was thinking hard about what to say, as he often did it when the boy asked difficult questions.

After a moment, Roncoalden sat up and looked at Sei. "Silderan… is very different from his fellow Suzaku. Apart from his sheltered upbringing, he…" the Manticor paused, as though considering whether to continue or not. He nodded to himself, however, and kept going. "He is unable to regain his true form. For as long as I have known of him, he has remained in his humanoid likeness."

Sei propped his head up on his palm, his elbow on his knee. That wasn't the answer he'd been expecting. "I see… So, he's stuck like that?" he paused, thinking that over. "That means… he can't fly. That's awful…" Sei fluttered his own wings, imagining what it would be like if he couldn't enjoy the feel of the wind in his face as he glided across the valley. He himself couldn't fully fly, but he still understood how it must feel to be grounded.

Ronden gazed at his charge for a long while, watching the boy think. The Manticor wondered often why the youth had come to the garden, as he seemed normal enough.

Eventually the boy looked up at his mentor, a question in his eyes. "Ronden… why… why are we here? Why are only outcasts like us allowed in the garden?"

The Manticor rumbled with laughter. "Many ask the same thing. None of those who have lived here know why, only that we are welcome. Where once we were rejected, now we are the ones who are accepted. It is a relief, is it not, to be an equal with all here?"

Sei nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess so…" He slid down the stump to the ground, drawing his knees up to his chin and wrapping his arms around them. "But that still doesn't tell me why we're here…" He pouted, fluttering his wings slightly. He looked up at the sky, watching the purple clouds float across the pink evening sky. A thought occurred to him.

"Roncoalden… Why haven't I seen the Unicorn?"

***End Part Two***

*1) Amber actually DOES grow on trees. Its fossilized tree sap! 2) I'm not sure what it's called, but golden deer are mentioned in several legends. They are usually hunted for their hides, so are more secretive than regular deer. If anyone knows what they are called, please tell me!

Note) Norwegian, Norse, or Asian names inspire most names here. The creatures are mainly from Roman/Greek mythology, or legends from the middle ages. Some creatures are Asian or Native American inspired, however (like Silderan, the Suzaku). Modern fantasy writing inspires some of them, however (i.e. Drow, orcs…). I'm inspired by many things, and suggestions are welcomed.


"Love and peace, Hate and war! This is what my pills are for!"

Koril Dragonic