What is the Reality?
By Silver Magiccraft

What is anger, but fear?
When all it seems is related to fear
Any anger, if you look closely enough
Results from fear itself
So sad, so sad
But oh so true
I mean
Look at any of your reasons for anger
Can you find some source, besides fear, or only excuses?
Ah, these wonderful sad truths.
Like the fact that no one cares about something that does not affect
Sad is it not?
But can you find anything that you care about
That does not affect you in any way
Though some may, or can, say that everything affects everyone
And this may be true
But doesn't that just make what I'm saying all the more true?
[sadistic laughter]
So really
Think about these truths
However sad they may be
And see for yourself
Just how right I am
[snorts at those who think they can find something]
Why don't you just tell me what you found now
Come on
It's not hard right?
Maybe that's what you thought then.but then again
That was then.
[more laughter]
Think hard fellow people.
Think hard.
[voices and laughter approach]
Seems I must leave now.
[walks off]
A/N-well, there it was. That is just something I wrote when I got bored in
keyboarding.actually, I'm in keyboarding right now.posting this. Anyways,
R&R. Tell me what your opinion on this is! Okay?
