Hi y''all! Chapter two is here! :D Oh and this is just a part I forgot:::::::: disclaimer::::::::::
THE STORY, CHARACTERS, PLOT and GENERAL CONTENT of this story is mine. I own it all ha ha ha !!
Apollo followed that girl for nearly ten minutes until she stopped and turned at a high-rise apartment building. He stood back a few seconds an then started walking again.
He watched her from the door as she dug around in her purse for her keys. Apollo looked behind him and then walked into the front hall.
The woman made no notice of him, even as the young vampire stopped waking. She pulled out her keys with a breathed "Ha ha!" and stuck then into the lock.
Apollo suddenly stopped as she opened the door and started to walk up the stairs. He blinked and caught the door as she walked out, knowing it would automatically lock once it shut---- stupid security---- but he had to talk to her. He had to. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
He slowly slipped in and let the door shut softly and the lock whirl back. He watched her run up the stairs then cry out as she dropped her purse and the contents---- mostly make-up---- fell out. Apollo forced down a grin, this was what he needed. He walked up and handed her a lipstick that had fell down a few stairs. "Here." he said.
The woman looked up and took it from him. "Thanks."
Apollo had never heard such a beautiful voice in his life, he hand seemed stuck to the end of the lipstick.
She looked at him strangely and tugged it out of his hand.
"Ooh sorry." Apollo said embarrassedly. He scratched the back of he head nervously. He was about to speak again, but she turned and was walking quickly down the hall. 'Damn!' he thought. He clenched his fists, not noticing his skin bleed at his claws. He bit down in frustration, 'How can I talk to her . . .'
Apollo's eyes widened. ''That''s it, I''ll just talk to her.'' he smiled and followed her up two more flights of stairs.
She was at the entrance of her hall when she turned. "Okay, what''s your fuckin'' problem?"
Apollo almost smiled. ''Cute when she''s pissed.'' he thought. But then he had to think of what he was going to say. He tried not to seem like he was thinking to hard.
"Why are you following me, you damn pervert!" She hissed, but didn''t turn away. "Who are you?" Her hands were clenched in threatening fists at her sides, but Apollo didn''t find her dangerous at all. He almost grinned again.
"Uh . . ." Apollo tried to speak. "Well . . . I am . . uh . .um ya . . ."
"Answer me now or I''ll scream rape and I can scream loud!"
Apollo shook his head, "I''m used to screaming ladies." He looked up. Her face was blank and she looked at him as if he was the weirdest thing she had ever met. "I''m Apollo."
"Well stop following me." The woman said. "God damn, all these freaks!"
"You''re right."
"Huh?" She turned to look at him, only a few paces away. "What did you say?"
"I said you''re right." Apollo said, he relaxed his arms in defeat. "I am damned, and I''m sorry."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I''m sorry for you."
"Because . . ." Apollo said slowly, looking at her straight in the eyes, making her stiffen. "Because you''re so beautiful."
The woman looked so confused, and Apollo didn''t know what overtook him, he just needed her. Vampire instincts, that probably what it was. But he didn''t know it then. He felt himself burn with the uncontrollable desire to kill and to be feared. He hissed, a low animal like hiss and the woman stepped back.
The woman. Her. He had to have her. He had to taste her sweet blood. He needed her. He couldn''t control it anymore. Her beauty, her paleness and her big eyes. ''I must have her.'' he thought and with no other thoughts, blinded but helpless, merciless bloodlust, he seized her.
Pyre came into the nearly bare room, he heard crying. A gasping shuddering crying. The vampire looked around. "Hm . . ." He looked around, waling into a second room, lying on a bare mattress was a bloodstained blanket, a blonde, cut, bitten, half naked and very much dead woman.
"What the fuck?" Pyre exclaimed, then the crying stopped, he looked and saw another person crying.
"P-Pyre?" the person gasped.
"APOLLO!" Pyre gasped, he ran to his side.
Apollo''s hands and mouth were stained with half-dried blood. His eyes were wild and tired at the same time and he was shaking crazily. "Help me Pyre . . ." He closed his eyes and coughed choking.
"What the hell happened?" Pyre shouted, kneeling by his young-born friend. "Who''s she?" He jabbed his thumb in the dead woman''s direction. "And what did you do?"
Apollo started crying again. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He sobbed, burying his face in his knees. He trembled as he spoke again. "I killed her . . ." He voice trailed off into shuddering sobs.
Pyre looked over at the girl. "Obviously."
"Oh my god, I killed her . . .why did I?!" Apollo screamed. "I didn''t realize what is was doing and now. . . now she''s dead! My god!" He screamed in anger and sorrow.
"Relax bud, it''s okay you''ve killed before."
Apollo looked up, his face paler than usual and his teeth clenched. "Shut up! She was different!"
Apollo squeezed his hands into tight fists. "I KILLED HER! And I didn''t want to, something just came over me and . . . and I just . . ." He broke down again. "Look! You can see what I did!"
Pyre blinked, looked over and said quietly. "You raped her. Wow." His voice was very monotone. "Congratulations. What''s the deal?"
Breathing shakily Apollo jerked his head up in white-hot anger. "What?! How can you be so calm?!" He jumped up to look at his friend. "You don''t understand . . ."
"Sure I do, and get used to it. You''re a vampire, rape and murder is normal in our world. You killed and now you''ve learned the second and how wonderful it is to take power and dominate weaker than yourself." Pyre said, still not understanding how Apollo felt.
"Shut up." Apollo hissed. "You''re a fuckin'' pervert. How can you be this way!?" He stood to his feet in anger, he had clothed himself again, but it was still obvious of what had gone on. "Shut up!"
Pyre shook his head. "Apollo, listen you can get over this, I was . . . kinda like you after my first time."
"Still I swore I''d never do it! And I did . . . and I ENJOYED it!" He shouted. Apollo shook his head. "I didn''t even want to hurt her and look what I did!" He hissed through his teeth. "I''m disgusted with myself!"
Pyre said nothing for a few seconds. "Apollo, listen to me. You''ll get over it."
Apollo surged with anger once again, he swung a fist at his friend, colliding with his jaw. "FUCK YOU! You'll never understand. . . never." He shot a glare at his friend, who was holding his jaw and looking at him very surprised.
"Good bye." Apollo hissed before turning on his heel and leaving, unaware that the sun would be rising soon.
Whew! Sorry for the wait :( Oh well it's here after all ;)