The legend of Eclipse is well-known, but not believed by most. But, I suppose I will have to explain all of this to you.

Our planet, Brekia, has one main kingdom to it, Eclipse. It is named that for one reason, they worship the moons that circle our beloved planet. There are three such moons, that look pale blue in color. And, there is the Goddess Seika that protects the moons.

There are also a rare few moon rocks. These are rocks that came from the moon and landed on Brekia. How do we know? They are pale blue, exactly like the moons surface. I will explain more about the rocks a little bit later.

There used to be two moon goddess's. But, one got taken. Let me tell you the story of their lives.

Once, the first king and queen of Eclipse came to be. It wasn't always called Eclipse, but we're not sure what it used to be called. They didn't always worship the moon, that didn't happen until after a series of events occured.

The king and queen desperately wanted children. And one day, when the queen was on a walk, she spotted the first moon rock that ever landed on the surface of Brekia. A prophet came, and saw children in their future. Soon after, the queen became pregnant. The rulers determined that the moon rock had helped them, and decided to name their kingdom after a moon term. Also, to worship them.

The queen had twin girls, and named them Seika and Meika. They were both equally beautiful, but had little differences. Seika had long, dark brown hair, that went down to her middle thigh. It had highlights of lighter brown in it also. And, her sister Meika had pitch black hair, same length. Meika's hair was straight and very shiny. Seika's was more wavy, and not as shiny. They were both the same height, 5'3. And, they had similar personalities.

But, Meika developed a little jealously towards Seika. It started at age 12. There was a boy Meika liked, and he said a little remark about Seika being prettier, but he was kidding, and before he could explain, Meika ran off in a huff. Lots of little things like that started happening, and Meika took them the wrong way.

Eventually, Meika got consumed by jealousy, and ran away from the castle. Her mother and father, and Seika tried to help her, but they knew she wouldn't listen. So, Seika became the sole heir to the throne and kingdom.

A few years later (Meika and Seika were 16 went Meika left) Seika had a little girl of her own. But, she was also distressed. Villagers were complaining that Meika kept stealing, and even burning down houses in some distant villages of Eclipse. Seika knew only one way to stop her, to go their herself.

While traveling with a group of selected, trusted friends, they ran into a moon rock in their path. Just like the one Seika's mother had found. She ran forward to pick it up, but her friends cautioned her. People had reported that when they tried to pick up a rock, it would burn their hands, forcing them to drop it. But, Seika headed no warning, and actually picked it up without casualties. All of a sudden, a burst of blue light shot out of the stone, and the rock burst into lots of tiny pieces. It went into Seika's body, and vanished. The whole party of people were in shock. Then, one of her friends decided that she was the Moon Goddess, and it got spread around.

The whole moon rock thing made no sense to Seika, but she kept on going to her sister. A rumor went around that Meika had also picked up a stone, and it had also been absorbed. Seika worried about if the stone did anything to affect a person's strength, because if it did, she was sure Meika would use it for evil. The group rode on, even more motivated to stop the crazed Meika.

At long last, they reached the village. Meika and Seika had a final showdown. No one knows what exactly the moon rock gave to each of the sisters, all they know is that it has a sacred weapon, that no one can beat. Except for a person with equal power. Then, the winner is determined by skill, and something else no one knows.

Near the end of the fight, one of Seika's friends caught a glimpse of the battle. Seika was about to be hit, but a strange light started to glow inside of her. Then, a huge burst of pale blue shot into the sky, and surrounded Seika, killing everything evil within distance. Seika collapsed after the huge light shock.

Her friends took her home, and told everyone her tale. Now the villagers would live without fear. And Seika lived happily with her family.

But, some strange events have taken place recently. The youngest member of the Royal Family of Eclipse resembles Seika a great deal, that's why she was named after the Moon Goddess. Word has spread that another girl, who resembles Meika was born. Now, people are saying another battle will rage on. And, some people say Meika will win because she had the right to be jealous. Some say Seika will win because she is the ultimate Goddess. And some say that they will both die, trying to kill each other. Of course, that is all rumor. There is no proof of this reincarnated Meika. And, no proof that the new princess Seika has anything to do with the Moon Goddess.