Words of a Loner

When I fall,
There's no one to catch me,
So I fall forever.

You spoke words that are meant to confront me,
To whisper soothing words to my hateful soul.
Your words are poison.
Don't think I'm that dense.
I know you'll walk away,
After you shatter my heart,
Leaving me to the dust,
Just like they all did.
I can already see you leaving,
Disappearing just over the horizon,
Leaving without goodbye,
And leaving me with nothing but bitterness.

I've been abandoned too many times,
Lost in a world of regret,
My heart became solid ice,
Filled with emptiness and despair.
I build up walls around me,
Repeating over and over to myself,
Never trust,
Never love,
Never believe.
I am not a toy to be played with,
My feelings are mine,
And as to how I control them.
I will not be weak,
I will not lose control.
I will be alone,
I need no one.
For all these long years,
I've been living in a lonely world.
Each second passes, each day dies,
And another year is gone.

Maybe it's better to have no friends,
Maybe it's better to be alone,
Then no one can hurt you,
But no one can help you.