The Weird Adventures of Jim-bob

Jim-bob: I'm bored. *pokes self in eye* Ow.

Toad: *hops up* You can make a lot of money by poking out your eye and selling it on e-bay as Napoleon's eye.

Jim-bob: Okay! *pokes out eye and makes $5,000,000,000 by selling it on e- bay as Napoleon's eye*

Toad: Told ya. *hops away*

Jim-bob:I have so much money! I'm going to spend all of it on a new eye made of moldy Spam and a green olive! *pokes new food-based eye* OW!

The Horrible Vegetarian Sea Snake of DOOOOOOOM!!!: Behold! The horrors of impending DOOOOOOOM!!! By a vegetarian sea snake! *hiss*

Jim-bob: *wets pants* Oh No! I'm about to face the horrors of impending DOOOOOOOM!!! by a vegetarian sea snake! AAAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh...wait a minute. If you're a vegetarian, what are you going to do? You can't eat me.

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: Uh.*Jeopardy music* I know! I'll... no, that won't work. *Jeopardy music again* I'll, um, hiss at you? And bare my Big Pointy Fangs of DOOOOOM!! ?

Jim-bob: Works for me. AAAHHHH!!! *runs away*

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: DOOOOOOOM!!! *chases after Jim-bob* Hiss! Bare! No, wait, I was supposed to use the action thingies on that. *bares Big Pointy Fangs of DOOOOOM!!!* That's better. DOOOOOOOM!!!

Jim-bob: *is slowly leading the Sea Snake to his Closet Out of Which Random Things Appear*

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: I'm going to hiss and bare my Big Pointy Fangs of DOOOOOM!! at you until you have 9 heart attacks and 47 strokes! Maybe then you'll turn into a parsnip and I can eat you! DOOOOOOOM!!!

Jim-bob: Oh no! What am I going to do? *scary music*

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: DOOOOOOOOOOO*cough* oh no.*cough* I think I swallowed my mint...anyway. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

Jim-bob: *sees his Closet Out of Which Random Things Appear* There is hope!

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: DOOO... wait a second. *scary music stops* What is that green stuff in your eye socket?

Jim-bob: What, you mean this? *points to food-based eye* I poked out my real eye and sold it on e-bay.

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: What? I thought that was Napoleon's eye! I wasted 5 billion bucks on that! *getting really mad*

Jim-bob: uh-oh...*runs to his closet while Sea Snake is distracted*

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: You won't get away with that so easily! Killer Vegetables! Attack!

Killer Vegetables: *attacking Jim-bob*

Jim-bob: *pulls out of his closet....a nose hair clipper!* *proceeds to clip the vegetables' nose hair*

Killer Vegetables: No!! Our nose hairs!! *fall over dead*

Jim-bob: *approaches Sea Snake with the nose hair clipper*

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: No! No! Pleasepleasepleaseplease don't clip my nose hair!

Jim-bob: I won't clip your nose hair if you leave me alone and give me my eye back.

THVSSODOOOOOOOM!!!: *picking his nose* What? Oh, I usually only do this when no one's looking. And I almost always wipe it where no one else will touch it . Except that one time with the elevator button...ahem. Oh, fine, I'll give you your eye back. *gives Jim-bob the eye back* Adios! *swirls away in a swirly cloud of DOOOOOOOM!!!*

Jim-bob: *takes out his food-based eye and eats it* Yum! The Spam is extra moldy! *puts his old eye back in* I can see again! *pokes eye* Ow.