AUTHORS NOTE: This story is replacing "On the Other Side of the Mirror",
since I messed up with that one. Ok then.. Enjoy! And remember to review,
like it or not! If u have a flame, tell me but I would appreciate it if u
helped me with specific ways to improve as well : ) This story is written
in a way that will make you feel like you are in the story.
The Mirror of Kathrefta
Hello there! Let me introduce you to myself. My name is Nozanartreth Sesanelle, and I am 15 years old. I'm turning 16 in May, which is only just 8 months away. I can't wait because I will be getting my first ever Sword. Hopefully the best one in the land!
You see, I'm the daughter of queen Zinidinuaa, Queen of the lands of Fallcron. So I guess you can consider me as Princess Nozanartreth, which is a title I like very much!
We are the richest in the lands of Fallcron, and my father, King Rihatanek, has promised to give me an Ember Sword on my 16th Birthday. Everyone in the lands of Fallcron has their own element or symbol. My father is Wood and my mother is Wood, too. So naturally, I am Fire. On their 16th birthdays, every citizen of Fallcron who can afford it gets their own Sword matching their element. My Sword is going to be made from flames.. and my father promised me it would be specially made for me, and made of the fiercest flames! So I can not wait.
I live in Norkkon Castle, which is in the middle of Fallcron. I sleep in the Tower, which is full of beautiful velvet and red furnishings, with rich mahogany wood.
The Mirror of Kathrefta
Hello there! Let me introduce you to myself. My name is Nozanartreth Sesanelle, and I am 15 years old. I'm turning 16 in May, which is only just 8 months away. I can't wait because I will be getting my first ever Sword. Hopefully the best one in the land!
You see, I'm the daughter of queen Zinidinuaa, Queen of the lands of Fallcron. So I guess you can consider me as Princess Nozanartreth, which is a title I like very much!
We are the richest in the lands of Fallcron, and my father, King Rihatanek, has promised to give me an Ember Sword on my 16th Birthday. Everyone in the lands of Fallcron has their own element or symbol. My father is Wood and my mother is Wood, too. So naturally, I am Fire. On their 16th birthdays, every citizen of Fallcron who can afford it gets their own Sword matching their element. My Sword is going to be made from flames.. and my father promised me it would be specially made for me, and made of the fiercest flames! So I can not wait.
I live in Norkkon Castle, which is in the middle of Fallcron. I sleep in the Tower, which is full of beautiful velvet and red furnishings, with rich mahogany wood.