I feel no pain now.
At first, it was terrible,
like thousands of knives were piercing me at every moment,
yet they wouldn't let me die
I couldn't even feel the nails;
for my body had since become numb
But, with every passing moment
it gets harder and harder to breathe.

Now that I think about it,
we probably deserve to die.
He doesn't.
He's done nothing wrong,
yet they treat Him like an animal.
Why can't they see?
They beat Him and mock Him,
yet He still shouts above the obscenities
"Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do."

My life is leaving me;
my time's running out.
I want Him to know.
"Jesus, I believe!"
"I know You're innocent!"
"Remember me when You get to Heaven."
I choke on blood
uttering those last words.
Glancing at Him,
I see Him smile through
the blood and sweat and pain.
I draw in one last, ragged breath,
and as I close my eyes
He says
"Today you will be with Me in Paradise."