You took my heart out of surprise
And when you looked into my eyes,
It seems I wouldn't mind to die
Because I knew you wouldn't full this love up with lies
But when it ended I felt like I was stabbed,
Stabbed in the heart with a knife
A knife that carved out so many memories
That I still carry inside
I know I hurt you by saying I didn't want you
But then hours later I told you I lied
You told me you weren't a puppet I could always play with
But I never meant that
I really didn't mean those things I said that made that day so dreadful
Each day I regret
That hurtful day
People make mistakes they never mean to make
For our friendship's sake
Please forgive me
Stop all this hate
I admit I was wrong and regret what I did.
And when you looked into my eyes,
It seems I wouldn't mind to die
Because I knew you wouldn't full this love up with lies
But when it ended I felt like I was stabbed,
Stabbed in the heart with a knife
A knife that carved out so many memories
That I still carry inside
I know I hurt you by saying I didn't want you
But then hours later I told you I lied
You told me you weren't a puppet I could always play with
But I never meant that
I really didn't mean those things I said that made that day so dreadful
Each day I regret
That hurtful day
People make mistakes they never mean to make
For our friendship's sake
Please forgive me
Stop all this hate
I admit I was wrong and regret what I did.