Danae glanced out the window. The sun was bright and springtime was just settling in. The flowers in the garden were beginning to bloom and soon ground would be colorful. Everyone had fought for that bunk. The person with the view of the garden was indeed the luckiest one of all. In the end, they drew hay. Danae's had been the shortest and thus she got the bunk. She never told anyone, but she had a feeling that one of the other maids was angry and did something to the bunk. Unless she was careful, the bed would often cause her to have a sore back in the morning.

A sparrow rushed to the oak tree with a few pieces of grass secured in his beak. He slowly gave them to his mate and she proceeded to build a nest. It was coming along nicely.

"Wake up! Wake up! Do you have any idea what time it is?" Winona's shrill voice pierced the moment. Danae hurried out of bed. If Winona was already on her morning stroll through the corridors, that meant that Danae was late for kitchen work. She stumbled towards the bucket of water and splashed her face with the cool liquid. It wasn't completely clean, but it did the job. On any other day, Danae would have spent some time scrubbing the soot away from her cheeks with her fingers, but on this occasion, there was no time.

"Danae? What are you still doing here? You're late! Hurry up! What if the girls are already downstairs? This type of behavior cannot be tolerated." Winona stopped Danae before she could pass through the door. "See me as soon as you are finished with the breakfast."

"Yes, Ma'am." Danae didn't have time to dwell on her fate. She was late and the ladies would be waiting.

When she arrived at the kitchen, the chef was waiting. He glared at her with his pudgy, red face and kept his arms crossed. Danae didn't say a word, knowing that anything she said would only make matters worse.

Danae's job was to place all of the plates of food on the table before the ladies came downstairs. This way, no one would have to witness the despicable people that we of lower status when they visited the Goodwin manor. At least, that was how the head mistress put it. Since Danae was late, there was a chance that the Goodwin girls would see her. Danae shuddered at the thought of being caught by one of them. They really knew how to be precise with their criticism.

Danae picked up several platters of food and rushed to into the dining hall. She was about to pass the curtain when she stopped dead in her tracks. Every single maiden was already seated a seat and impatiently awaiting breakfast. Something was wrong. Danae wasn't that late. Perhaps some sort of function was happening today. That had to be the reason. Danae braced herself and strode into the room, careful not to lose grip on any of the platters she held.

Danae placed the first plate down and released a small sigh of relief. This was going smoothly. It would be over before she knew it. The lady in the seat of the first served turned to glare at Danae and began scrubbed the spots where the plate had touched Danae's skin with a handkerchief embroidered with blue flowers. Danae put the next tray in front of the next girl. This student snickered and whispered something to her friend. Danae fought to stay strong. She quickly slid the next three girls their platters and rushed into the kitchen. The sooner this was over with, the better.

By the time Danae finished the job, she had several scratches, a few tears, and a severely bruised soul. She swore never to sleep in again just so that she could avoid the same situation from presenting itself in the future. It was not as if this happened everyday, thank the lord. There was nothing different about this week than any other, but for some reason, Danae had overslept.

Eliza came in about a half hour after Danae finished to help clean up the plates. She was bubbly with excitement. Danae could read it on Eliza's face. Something was happening today. Danae walked to Eliza's side and said, "Alright Eliza, spit it out. What is it?"

"Haven't you heard?" Eliza was incredibly hyper. Since sugar was a rarity between servants, there had to be something much more important causing Eliza's happiness.

AN: This is short again and nothing much happened. I know. I'm working on this story. Please R&R! I really appreciate it.