
Crying as I ran to the bridge..
Where we first met
You never gave up on me
As I always believed in you..
So why did you leave me?
I am alone now in this world,
I'm always the single one, the quite one, the friendless one
You gave me warmth, a friendship, something to live on
You weren't just my friend,
You were my other half.
So why did you leave me?
I reached the bridge as it stormed outside
I continued to cry and think of the memories
Our memories
Our quarrels, our silly fights
Our good times, my happiest moments
And of that night.
In the car and me driving
You changing the stations on the radio as we sung along
Laughing together on our way to my house
And then screaming together as the car began to be crushed
I remember being unconscious and then...
I finally found out his name.
He was drunk and ran the stop sign.
You were in the hospital for a few weeks afterwards.
You looked so happy when I came to see you every day
But this time was different
I walked in and there were a lot of doctors in the room
At first I didn't understand until he said the date and time.
Then I realized.
Now as I lay on this lonely bridge,
Frozen from the rain and exhausted from crying and running,
I shout to the heavens,
"Why didn't you take me too?!"

A/N: Dedicated to anyone who has lost a friend to a drunk driver. One of
my friend's mother killed herself during Mardi gras weekend, and I dedicate
this to her. Please R&R I really appreciate your opinions. And just to
clarify.this poem is not about me. And thank you J-Freak for the
constructive criticism..always needed every once in a while!