Truly Me
I'm going to prove to you
All that I'm worth,
And what my true destiny has been,
Since the day of my birth.
Sometimes I seem worthless,
Then other times strong.
Now I'm going to prove to you
That you've always been very wrong.
Soon I'm going to show you,
The real me that's inside,
Instead of being someone else,
While my true side still hides.
You are not going to believe at first,
As you watch me shine,
The you'll just get over it,
But it's going to take some time.
So sit back and wait
Be patient with me,
And soon I'll show you my other side
Just you wait and see
So all I have to say,
Is wait for me to come out.
Then maybe one day I'll show you,
What I'm truly all about.

A/N: To anyone who doesn't know their worth!! Everyone is worth just takes time for you to realize what!!! Hopefully after
reading this you know!!! Please R&R!! Thanx a bunch!!! *blows kisses*