I have always wondered why people put so much effort into typing out incoherent sentences filled with bad spelling, poor grammar (if I do say so myself), sTiCkY cApS, lolzz!!! and 133t 5p34k.

Sounds familiar? If it does, this I have to say to you:

Do you know how irritating, annoying and absolutely frustrating that the reader or web client has to figure out what exactly you are saying? It takes me twice the time needed to absorb an intelligent sentence to process the shit you present forth to me. What's more, I'm not taking into account the bad headache afterward into the list of reasons why I'm so bloody frustrated now.

Seriously, will it cost you as much time and effort to put some sense into your sentence and not sound like the 3 year-old imbecile you are actually not? You might argue that it is a personal blog and hey! datz my space n i dun gif a shyt abt wat u tink but since you have decided to publish it online, you are thereby authorizing anyone and everyone to read what you have posted. The least respect you could pay for your reviewers and readers is to write something coherent and preventing us from wasting unnecessary time trying to figure the heck out of 'i ish n000 n00b ass i thunk u 1!!!!1111"

I don't particularly mind those websites with bad grammar. However, I find myself pointing out every single spelling mistake the writer has made and I assure you, it annoys the heck out of me. For example -

Fortunatley, she was not harrassing him; he would have been absolutley embarassed, definatley. We should seperate them, and not recieve their occasional appraisals.

I can point out exactly 7 spelling errors for you.
1) Fortunately, and NOT Fortunatley
2) Harassing, and NOT Harrassing (one R, dude!)
3) Absolutely, NOT Absolutley, GOD.
4) Embarrassed, NOT Embarassed!
5) Definitely - this I can't stand: NOT definately, definatley, definitly, definatly, definitley or however-the-heck-you-spell-it.
6) SepArate, NOT SepErate
7) RecEIve, NOT RecIEve

My advice for those who find yourself falling into the category of horrible spelling, Dictionary.com is your friend.

Readers aside, have you ever wondered how much time you could actually save by refraining from Chat Speak? I don't mind lols, lmaos, rofls and short forms, but I pride myself on constructing intelligent sentences without having to butcher them into unnecessary CAPS, unnecessary numbers and unnecessary exclamation marks. Have you ever calculated the time wasted on coming up with supposedly creative ways of expressing yourself and performing the task? You could have spent the time on something worthwhile - like brushing up certain areas of your site and removing that godforsaken language.

Chat Speak and online language are supposed to help us save time, yet it never fails to astound me endless why people will use 'lolzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!1111' instead of 'lol'. I'd say you had better get your ass away from the computer and do something more productive.

As for bad online writers, my only advice for you is to
a) Protect your writing - get a beta.
b) Protect our brain cells - don't write at all.

AN: Sorry if the above rant sounds rude, but I was so frustrated at the time that I could not resist a little essay. Contrary to my ramblings, I did not really check it for grammar. If you do happen to find any errors, I'm sorry. Reviews will be greatly appreciated (as usual). Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you do not feel comfortable with publicizing your opinion.