Promise to Forget
Pretend it never happened,
That all this pain was imaginary
And regret was a lie.
Go on with your life without me,
Say you never met me,
Say you don't know me,
Say you don't know I exist,
Say I'm not real.
Forget the times we had together,
How we'd laugh and cried together,
And shared thoughts.
You who opened up to me,
And I who listened.
Maybe it would've been better without one another,
And this pain would leave.
I've only hurt you,
And you hurt me.
This pain is too real,
It hurts letting you go,
But it's you who hurts more.
Let us part on different paths with no familiarities for the other.
But promise me one last thing,
Promise me you'll forget all that had ever happened between us,
And that those memories are empty,
They never existed.
Forget the jokes,
Forget the laughs,
Forget the tears
Forget the times,
But most of all
Promise to forget
A.N: ....this poem's for 7391