Three Simple Words

Three simple words
Can be so hard to say
But for some others
It comes naturally every day
They show the love of everyone
And always seem to be calm
They walk with others hand-to-hand
And always palm-to-palm
Their love never wavers
Not even when they are sad
Because that's what everyone savors
The moments that they are glad
I feel that I should be like this
And say these words with ease
But will I have to beg you to tell
Will I have to go on my knees?
I will do what I can
To tell you these words so true
Three simple words
I love you.
A/n: I want to be like those people who are always happy in life and make
everyone around them smile!!! So I hope this poem inspires someone to try
to be like them too!!! Thank you all of you wonderful reviewers!!! I LOVE
YOU!!! Hehe *blows kisses*