Once a Friend, Never Forever

Is it just strange,
That one who you were once so close to,
Is now a complete stranger to you?
I feel like I don't know who you are,
The memories a haunting feeling,
Always lingering over my footsteps.
Can you hear me?
We used to be such good friends,
Holding hands as we played.
For many years,
I've known you,
Isn't it just strange how much we changed?
I now stand next to you,
And you don't even see me.
I speak to you,
And now you can't hear me.
Who are you?
Who am I?
Neither of us can answer that,
Because we've drifted so far apart,
An invisible solid wall has formed between,
We can't reach each other anymore.
But do you remember me,
As I remember you?
All the joyful afternoons we've spent,
Do they still remain in your memory?
Remember all the times we joked at each other?
Or have you forgotten all we had?
The world now seems so empty,
Like a goose flying all by itself,
In the never-ending sky.
Or one fish in a lake,
Swimming forever and never meeting one of its kind.
Years went by,
Now we're like foreigners to each other.
Now I wonder,
Have I first left you,
Or have you left me?