Only You
Chapter One: The Child and the Demon
"You're late," Serena muttered angrily.
"Yes. I am," Billy smiled.
She scowled at him. "You made me miss the bus."
"Oh. Let's walk, then." He grabbed her hand and started running towards Cascade High School.
She grabbed her bag with her free hand and bashed it on Billy's arm to make him release his grip. Serena lashed at him, "What the hell?! It's miles away. That monster Mr. Powell is going to torture us again because you had to make us miss the bus, and that's all you do?! You just say that we'll walk and everything's going to be solved? What the hell is your problem?"
He glanced back at her for a moment, then continued walking.
"Where are you going?!" Serena ran in front of him and blocked his path. "There's no point in trying to walk there."
Billy stepped to the side and walked passed Serena. Looking over his shoulder to Serena, he grinned, "And there's no point in staying here."
She stomped her foot on the ground, "Stop! This is your fault! I'm going to be late because of you!"
He ignored what she said and continued, "Y'know Serena, I didn't ask you to wait for me. It's not my fault you missed the bus."
Serena paused for a moment, her mouth slightly hanging.
Billy walked backwards for a second to laugh, "If you keep your mouth open long enough, I swear that a mouse will run in there. Your mouth's big enough to be a home. You know that, right?"
Serena seemed shocked by what Billy said and started screaming at him, as well as everything around her. Realizing that he had already crossed the street onto the next block, she ran after him, "Wait for me!"
"You're late," Mr. Powell rose an eyebrow at Billy as he and Serena entered the classroom.
"Yes, we are. And only by a half-hour today!" He enthusiastically pointed at the clock. "You know how we're usually late by an hour. We ran a little today instead of walked. See how we've improved?" He stood at the door, genuinely proud of himself.
Mr. Powell began to yell, "Bi--"
Billy cut him off, "Why do you always yell at only me? When we come in, you always yell at me. Just me! Serena's always late too, you know."
Serena elbowed him and said under her breath, "Bastard."
She turned her attention to Mr. Powell and said, with innocent eyes, "I'm so very sorry, Mr. Powell. I was waiting for him at the bus stop, but he didn't show up on time. I was going to leave without him, but I didn't want him to walk to school alone.. Please, punish me, but not my good friend."
"You were just to dumb to think about going without me," Billy whispered to her.
She mumbled under her breath again, "Shut up or I'll stick a ruler up your ass." Billy widened his eyes at her for a second, then stepped a little away from her.
Mr. Powell smiled at Serena, "You're such a nice girl, waiting for this troublemaker like that."
She tilted her head slightly to the side and smiled back at her homeroom teacher, taking full advantage of her shiny, white teeth and was batting her make-up covered eyes at him.
Billy poked her, "Do you have an eyelash in your eyes or something? Why do you keep blinking like that?"
Before Serena could whisper another curse at him, Mr. Powell slapped Billy on the head, "Billy! How could you take advantage of an angel like Serena and make her late for class with you?! Go outside and stand next to the door for the rest of class!"
He flailed his arms, pointing at Serena, "Didn't you hear her? She said you could punish her instead of me! She gave you full permission to do that. I advise you to take her advice. It's a really good suggestion, y'know, not punishing me."
Mr. Powell ignored what Billy said and smiled at Serena, "You go ahead and take a seat."
She smiled back.
Billy smiled too, for no apparent reason. He just wanted in on the smiling. "You guys smile too much."
"Outside!" Mr. Powell screamed at him loud enough to make the entire class jump in their seats.
"Fine, fine.." He slumped outside. Right before he closed the door behind him, he noticed Serena flash him a devilish glare. "She's such an angel indeed..."
During lunch, Serena went outside the classroom to check on her friend that was still outside.
She half-smiled, "Mr. Powell said that you can come in again after lunch is over."
"Aw. It's nice out here. I don't have to listen to him out here," He pouted. He then leaned way over to the side and waved to Mr. Powell in the classroom. Mr. Powell replied by throwing a piece of chalk at Billy. He fell to the floor to dodge the chalk, then screamed, "That's abuse!"
Mr. Powell kept checking papers as if nothing happened.
Billy looked up at Serena, "Ain'tcha going to help me up?"
She rose an eyebrow, "Why should I?"
"Oh, okay. I'll get up myself," He shook his head and rose to his feet on his own.
"I'm starving. Let's go eat," Serena said, "You're treating."
"I am?" Billy patted his pocket to make sure his wallet was there.
"Yes." Serena glared at him.
"Alrighty, then." He marched towards the cafeteria.
Once they got there, Billy stared at the menu, "What d'ya want? I'll get spaghetti. I like spaghetti."
"I'll get the salad sub and an iced tea," Serena told him.
"But I don't have that much money!" Billy complained.
"Then you get water," Serena sent another one of her 'Serena Glares' at him.
Billy groaned, "But I'm hungry, too."
"Do you really think I care?" She crossed her arms.
He suggested, "Here, why don't you just get a salad? It's got the same crap as the salad sub. Why do they make us pay a dollar and fifty cents more for bread? It's bread! They don't even use good bread!"
"I want a salad sub," She started tapping her toe on the floor, "Hurry up and order. I'm getting impatient."
"I don't have enough money, though... I won't be able to pay for it. You're really making me want to buy only myself food. I don't have enough money for your food," Billy stared at his wallet, hoping that doing so would cause more money to magically appear.
"Fine, God," Serena rolled her eyes.
She walked to a nearby table, where her classmates Angela and May were sitting, and asked, "I'm sorry if I'm inturrupting, but may I please borrow a little bit of money?"
"Why do you need it?" May stopped sipping her soda to ask.
She explained with a kind tone, "I'm really really hungry, but I don't have any money to buy any myself."
"Why don't you borrow some money from Billy? You guys have been friends since the fifth grade. I'm sure he'll be willing to lend you some," Angela said.
Serena's chin quivered, "He... I already asked, but he's not willing to lend me any. He only wants to use his money for himself. Not for his good friend.. He's already yelled at me, saying that he wouldn't pay for my food."
May and Angela sent a look to kill at Billy. Billy, who had no idea what was going on, simply smiled and waved back.
The two girls patted Serena's back, and both of them each gave her a five dollar bill.
"There are no words that can describe how thankful I am," Serena smiled, "I'll repay you soon."
They both said, "You don't need to pay us back!"
She said, "Are you sure?"
They nodded.
She walked back to Billy, and as she did, May and Angela yelled at him, "We hope you rot in hell, you satan spawn! Treating your friend like that.."
"Satan spawn? That's a little overdoing it... H-how do I treat her?" Billy stammered.
They both simply looked away and pretended that they didn't hear his voice.
"What did I do?!" He asked Serena. She ignored his question and slapped her new ten dollars in his hands, "There. Now go buy my food."
He stared at the money in confusion, "What just happened?"
"Buy food!" His friend commanded him.
"Oh..okay, then," Billy stepped in line. As he asked the lady with a pink apron and a hairnet for spaghetti, a salad sub, and iced tea, he felt someone tug at the sleeve of his uniform.
He turned around, "Oh. Upperclassman Avalon. Hello."
"Don't call me that!" The older boy complained, "You're too damned respectful. It makes me look bad. Just call me Tim."
"Your name's so bland," Billy felt like pointing out, "Upperclassman Avalon just sounds more..suave. It really gives something to your common, uncreative name."
"Well, sorry that I was born!" Tim slapped Billy hard on the back, causing him to fall onto the glass that covered the cafeteria food.
He immediately stood straight again, and smiled, as if nothing happened at all, "Yes. Thank you for your sympathies."
Tim crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Like you don't have a common name, Billy."
"But it just sounds so much better!" Billy claimed, "I mean, just look at it. Billy. Billy Wolfe. It's fabulous. Not like Tim. Tim Avalon? C'mon."
As the smaller boy kept grinning like there was no tomorrow, Tim felt like he had to change the subject, "So when on earth are you going to make a move? All the guys are waiting for it."
"What are you talking about?" Billy took his orders from the hands of the lunch lady.
"Isn't it obvious who I'm talking about?" Tim nudged his elbow towards the table that Serena was sitting at. However, Billy wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. He shrugged, still as confused as he was before Tim did his nudging.
"Serena!!" Tim screamed, obviously frustrated with Billy. Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes on the two of them.
They moved further into the line as the stares died down. Billy was paying for the food he ordered, while Tim was still waiting for an answer, "Well?"
"Oh!" Billy slapped his hand on his forehead, "That's right. I didn't answer yet, did I?"
Tim glared at Billy, who could've sworn that he saw some form of smoke coming out of the upperclassman's ears.
Deciding it would be smartest to answer without further frustration, Billy said, "I haven't asked Serena out or anything."
Tim seemed shocked, eyes widening and mouth agape, "Are you shitting with me?! You've known the girl for five frickin' years and you haven't asked her out?"
"Why would I?" Billy recalled many moments where Serena was a horrifying monster to him.
"God..." Tim shook his head, "I'd kill to be in your place. Knowing her for so long. It'd be so easy to move in and become her boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?!" It was Billy's turn to widen his eyes, "Y-you want to be Serena's boyfriend?!"
Tim nodded, almost blushing.
Billy was still in denial. He pointed at Serena, "Her?!"
Tim nodded again.
Billy shook Tim's shoulder's, "Why?!"
The older boy replied, "Because...she's so kind, and caring, and beautiful. She's everything. All the guys want her."
Billy's eyes grew even wider, "Her? She's kind, caring, and beautiful?" Traumatizing flashbacks occured in the boy's mind. Serena throwing him off a boat and left him stranded in a lake to swim to land by himself. Serena spitting on him when he asked for money when his dad lost all the family's money in stocks. Serena wearing so much make-up that she looked like a man that was trying to look like a woman.
"Yeah.." Tim stared at Serena, entranced.
"All the guys like Serena?" Billy asked, still in disbelief.
Tim smiled and nodded.
"This is not a joke, is it?" Billy rose an eyebrow.
Tim shook his head, still smiling at the sight of Serena.
"Hey," the lunch lady said to the two boys, "You're holding up the line."
"Oh, sorry," Billy left the counter and dashed to the table that Serena was sitting at. She opened her mouth, as if she was going to scream at Billy again for the sake of screaming at him, but halted when she noticed that Tim followed Billy to the table and took a seat across from her.
After much twindling of his thumbs, Tim asked, "S-serena..? Would you like, to, umm..go watch a movie some time?"
Serena smiled, "I'm sorry, but I can't."
Tim stammered, "Why not?"
She said, "I already have a boyfriend."
He looked devastated, "..Who?"
Serena's smile turned towards the friend that was trying to mind his own business, munching on spaghetti, "Billy."
A/N: O_O; Sorry if your name is Tim...please don't shoot me...
Chapter One: The Child and the Demon
"You're late," Serena muttered angrily.
"Yes. I am," Billy smiled.
She scowled at him. "You made me miss the bus."
"Oh. Let's walk, then." He grabbed her hand and started running towards Cascade High School.
She grabbed her bag with her free hand and bashed it on Billy's arm to make him release his grip. Serena lashed at him, "What the hell?! It's miles away. That monster Mr. Powell is going to torture us again because you had to make us miss the bus, and that's all you do?! You just say that we'll walk and everything's going to be solved? What the hell is your problem?"
He glanced back at her for a moment, then continued walking.
"Where are you going?!" Serena ran in front of him and blocked his path. "There's no point in trying to walk there."
Billy stepped to the side and walked passed Serena. Looking over his shoulder to Serena, he grinned, "And there's no point in staying here."
She stomped her foot on the ground, "Stop! This is your fault! I'm going to be late because of you!"
He ignored what she said and continued, "Y'know Serena, I didn't ask you to wait for me. It's not my fault you missed the bus."
Serena paused for a moment, her mouth slightly hanging.
Billy walked backwards for a second to laugh, "If you keep your mouth open long enough, I swear that a mouse will run in there. Your mouth's big enough to be a home. You know that, right?"
Serena seemed shocked by what Billy said and started screaming at him, as well as everything around her. Realizing that he had already crossed the street onto the next block, she ran after him, "Wait for me!"
"You're late," Mr. Powell rose an eyebrow at Billy as he and Serena entered the classroom.
"Yes, we are. And only by a half-hour today!" He enthusiastically pointed at the clock. "You know how we're usually late by an hour. We ran a little today instead of walked. See how we've improved?" He stood at the door, genuinely proud of himself.
Mr. Powell began to yell, "Bi--"
Billy cut him off, "Why do you always yell at only me? When we come in, you always yell at me. Just me! Serena's always late too, you know."
Serena elbowed him and said under her breath, "Bastard."
She turned her attention to Mr. Powell and said, with innocent eyes, "I'm so very sorry, Mr. Powell. I was waiting for him at the bus stop, but he didn't show up on time. I was going to leave without him, but I didn't want him to walk to school alone.. Please, punish me, but not my good friend."
"You were just to dumb to think about going without me," Billy whispered to her.
She mumbled under her breath again, "Shut up or I'll stick a ruler up your ass." Billy widened his eyes at her for a second, then stepped a little away from her.
Mr. Powell smiled at Serena, "You're such a nice girl, waiting for this troublemaker like that."
She tilted her head slightly to the side and smiled back at her homeroom teacher, taking full advantage of her shiny, white teeth and was batting her make-up covered eyes at him.
Billy poked her, "Do you have an eyelash in your eyes or something? Why do you keep blinking like that?"
Before Serena could whisper another curse at him, Mr. Powell slapped Billy on the head, "Billy! How could you take advantage of an angel like Serena and make her late for class with you?! Go outside and stand next to the door for the rest of class!"
He flailed his arms, pointing at Serena, "Didn't you hear her? She said you could punish her instead of me! She gave you full permission to do that. I advise you to take her advice. It's a really good suggestion, y'know, not punishing me."
Mr. Powell ignored what Billy said and smiled at Serena, "You go ahead and take a seat."
She smiled back.
Billy smiled too, for no apparent reason. He just wanted in on the smiling. "You guys smile too much."
"Outside!" Mr. Powell screamed at him loud enough to make the entire class jump in their seats.
"Fine, fine.." He slumped outside. Right before he closed the door behind him, he noticed Serena flash him a devilish glare. "She's such an angel indeed..."
During lunch, Serena went outside the classroom to check on her friend that was still outside.
She half-smiled, "Mr. Powell said that you can come in again after lunch is over."
"Aw. It's nice out here. I don't have to listen to him out here," He pouted. He then leaned way over to the side and waved to Mr. Powell in the classroom. Mr. Powell replied by throwing a piece of chalk at Billy. He fell to the floor to dodge the chalk, then screamed, "That's abuse!"
Mr. Powell kept checking papers as if nothing happened.
Billy looked up at Serena, "Ain'tcha going to help me up?"
She rose an eyebrow, "Why should I?"
"Oh, okay. I'll get up myself," He shook his head and rose to his feet on his own.
"I'm starving. Let's go eat," Serena said, "You're treating."
"I am?" Billy patted his pocket to make sure his wallet was there.
"Yes." Serena glared at him.
"Alrighty, then." He marched towards the cafeteria.
Once they got there, Billy stared at the menu, "What d'ya want? I'll get spaghetti. I like spaghetti."
"I'll get the salad sub and an iced tea," Serena told him.
"But I don't have that much money!" Billy complained.
"Then you get water," Serena sent another one of her 'Serena Glares' at him.
Billy groaned, "But I'm hungry, too."
"Do you really think I care?" She crossed her arms.
He suggested, "Here, why don't you just get a salad? It's got the same crap as the salad sub. Why do they make us pay a dollar and fifty cents more for bread? It's bread! They don't even use good bread!"
"I want a salad sub," She started tapping her toe on the floor, "Hurry up and order. I'm getting impatient."
"I don't have enough money, though... I won't be able to pay for it. You're really making me want to buy only myself food. I don't have enough money for your food," Billy stared at his wallet, hoping that doing so would cause more money to magically appear.
"Fine, God," Serena rolled her eyes.
She walked to a nearby table, where her classmates Angela and May were sitting, and asked, "I'm sorry if I'm inturrupting, but may I please borrow a little bit of money?"
"Why do you need it?" May stopped sipping her soda to ask.
She explained with a kind tone, "I'm really really hungry, but I don't have any money to buy any myself."
"Why don't you borrow some money from Billy? You guys have been friends since the fifth grade. I'm sure he'll be willing to lend you some," Angela said.
Serena's chin quivered, "He... I already asked, but he's not willing to lend me any. He only wants to use his money for himself. Not for his good friend.. He's already yelled at me, saying that he wouldn't pay for my food."
May and Angela sent a look to kill at Billy. Billy, who had no idea what was going on, simply smiled and waved back.
The two girls patted Serena's back, and both of them each gave her a five dollar bill.
"There are no words that can describe how thankful I am," Serena smiled, "I'll repay you soon."
They both said, "You don't need to pay us back!"
She said, "Are you sure?"
They nodded.
She walked back to Billy, and as she did, May and Angela yelled at him, "We hope you rot in hell, you satan spawn! Treating your friend like that.."
"Satan spawn? That's a little overdoing it... H-how do I treat her?" Billy stammered.
They both simply looked away and pretended that they didn't hear his voice.
"What did I do?!" He asked Serena. She ignored his question and slapped her new ten dollars in his hands, "There. Now go buy my food."
He stared at the money in confusion, "What just happened?"
"Buy food!" His friend commanded him.
"Oh..okay, then," Billy stepped in line. As he asked the lady with a pink apron and a hairnet for spaghetti, a salad sub, and iced tea, he felt someone tug at the sleeve of his uniform.
He turned around, "Oh. Upperclassman Avalon. Hello."
"Don't call me that!" The older boy complained, "You're too damned respectful. It makes me look bad. Just call me Tim."
"Your name's so bland," Billy felt like pointing out, "Upperclassman Avalon just sounds more..suave. It really gives something to your common, uncreative name."
"Well, sorry that I was born!" Tim slapped Billy hard on the back, causing him to fall onto the glass that covered the cafeteria food.
He immediately stood straight again, and smiled, as if nothing happened at all, "Yes. Thank you for your sympathies."
Tim crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Like you don't have a common name, Billy."
"But it just sounds so much better!" Billy claimed, "I mean, just look at it. Billy. Billy Wolfe. It's fabulous. Not like Tim. Tim Avalon? C'mon."
As the smaller boy kept grinning like there was no tomorrow, Tim felt like he had to change the subject, "So when on earth are you going to make a move? All the guys are waiting for it."
"What are you talking about?" Billy took his orders from the hands of the lunch lady.
"Isn't it obvious who I'm talking about?" Tim nudged his elbow towards the table that Serena was sitting at. However, Billy wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. He shrugged, still as confused as he was before Tim did his nudging.
"Serena!!" Tim screamed, obviously frustrated with Billy. Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes on the two of them.
They moved further into the line as the stares died down. Billy was paying for the food he ordered, while Tim was still waiting for an answer, "Well?"
"Oh!" Billy slapped his hand on his forehead, "That's right. I didn't answer yet, did I?"
Tim glared at Billy, who could've sworn that he saw some form of smoke coming out of the upperclassman's ears.
Deciding it would be smartest to answer without further frustration, Billy said, "I haven't asked Serena out or anything."
Tim seemed shocked, eyes widening and mouth agape, "Are you shitting with me?! You've known the girl for five frickin' years and you haven't asked her out?"
"Why would I?" Billy recalled many moments where Serena was a horrifying monster to him.
"God..." Tim shook his head, "I'd kill to be in your place. Knowing her for so long. It'd be so easy to move in and become her boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?!" It was Billy's turn to widen his eyes, "Y-you want to be Serena's boyfriend?!"
Tim nodded, almost blushing.
Billy was still in denial. He pointed at Serena, "Her?!"
Tim nodded again.
Billy shook Tim's shoulder's, "Why?!"
The older boy replied, "Because...she's so kind, and caring, and beautiful. She's everything. All the guys want her."
Billy's eyes grew even wider, "Her? She's kind, caring, and beautiful?" Traumatizing flashbacks occured in the boy's mind. Serena throwing him off a boat and left him stranded in a lake to swim to land by himself. Serena spitting on him when he asked for money when his dad lost all the family's money in stocks. Serena wearing so much make-up that she looked like a man that was trying to look like a woman.
"Yeah.." Tim stared at Serena, entranced.
"All the guys like Serena?" Billy asked, still in disbelief.
Tim smiled and nodded.
"This is not a joke, is it?" Billy rose an eyebrow.
Tim shook his head, still smiling at the sight of Serena.
"Hey," the lunch lady said to the two boys, "You're holding up the line."
"Oh, sorry," Billy left the counter and dashed to the table that Serena was sitting at. She opened her mouth, as if she was going to scream at Billy again for the sake of screaming at him, but halted when she noticed that Tim followed Billy to the table and took a seat across from her.
After much twindling of his thumbs, Tim asked, "S-serena..? Would you like, to, umm..go watch a movie some time?"
Serena smiled, "I'm sorry, but I can't."
Tim stammered, "Why not?"
She said, "I already have a boyfriend."
He looked devastated, "..Who?"
Serena's smile turned towards the friend that was trying to mind his own business, munching on spaghetti, "Billy."
A/N: O_O; Sorry if your name is Tim...please don't shoot me...