She thought she was in love. But then he pulled her down into his world; a world of violence, corruption and crime. Life isn't always easy being Leah, the wife of a gangster. Especially after she falls for an enemy…


Gangster's Moll
Author's Note

... and that's it!

Wow. Welcome to the end of Leah's journey. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I feel a sort of relief mixed with sadness now that it is all over. I don't know... in a few months I may tempt myself to do a prequel maybe with Anna and Ryder but I doubt it. She's turned into a stronger character now; a rising bad girl, but she has her principles and she knows what is right and wrong, and that is all that matters. You're going to laugh but I actually had an argument with my friend over whether Leah was justified to kill Nathan or not. She says that nothing justifies murder, and she does have a point but the amount of pain that Nathan put her through was worse in my eyes than any death, as you can see when Leah hears about Ryder's wife and suddenly all she wants is for him to pull the trigger.

Many of you who have reviewed ( I love you!) have commented that you think Leah was naive and a push-over. Would somebody that naive really find it in themselves to shoot somebody? Maybe Leah was playing her own game all along... a game that she has most definitely won.

Anyway, enough about it all. I have loads of people who I have to thank... the people who have read this, I love you! To the people who have read and then reviewed, I love you even more! Your support helped and encouraged me and any feedback you gave me whatsoever, I found very useful.

The following writers, I have this message: THANK YOU! If I were the Pope I would make you all Saints, but unfortunately I am just an English girl with a computer... Pretend Jane, FusionSpark12, Crazy Baiko, Faceplate, Ailenat, Ciara Munroe, Valaina, N170017, Raine0211, Cheerlin, Kendra-S, Sea Of Blue, Ice Crew, Sparrowgurl66, Spikes-Kitty-Kat-Tiffany, Sorcha Jade, Past Obsession, WolfDemoness89, diff-me, Princess Ice, D Wilder, hesfb, Larali, Chantilly Lace, Zara Davies, i'll bleed this place red, smallf9, simply-june, Yumiko, angelgurl3425374, Not So Average, horror, shinypenniesRfun Chelsey, Jess, katielynne, yc_punk, Christine, sesshoumaru, Teal Sunrise, gotcha, Lisa21545, g grl, gurl, girl, c, Angel Of The South.

Some personal thanks... Claire, you are the most amazing bundle of energy I have ever met! Thank you for making me smile and making me cry, pointing out every grammar mistake and just generally being there. Tim and Daz... the bouncers are named after you! Lol, so thanks for all of your support. To the guy who could so have been Ryder, I hope one day me and you actually talk instead of just sitting near each other in class and occasionally smiling when we catch the others eye... lol.

Finally, to my inspiration for the story and my reason for living over the past few months; *my* gangster. Thank you and know that no-one is more sorry it didn't work out than I. I guess when it comes to the crunch, I'm just not suited to being a gangster's moll...

...just creating one.

Anna Hartford September 2004