We were supposed to write a ballad about someone, and I saw this picture of
Jack Nicholson with coke around his nostril, and I just couldn't resist!
He also came to mind because of his amazing acting talents, and I think
he's awesome.

"Bad Boy Jack- The Ballad of Jack Nicholson

Born Johnny Joe in 1937
Abandoned by his father.
His grandmother kept 'im.
He was "brother" to his mother.
She played the role of "sister"
Cause she didn't want the
Town of Neptune to know
That she'd had a mister.

Lil boy Jack-
Born Irish and Italian.
Bad boy Jack-
Always flashin' and stylin'.
Lil boy Jack-
Hey, are ya bored?
Talented man Jack-
Always winnin' awards.

One time he said his mother
Never saw the irony
Of calling him a "son of a bitch."
But hell, he thought it was funny.
He loves jokes at his own expense
Especially from Billy
Cause he makes fun of him
Publicly, at the Academy.

Lil boy Jack-
Hey, whatcha doin?
Bad boy Jack-
Ya always screwin.
Lil boy Jack-
Hey, are ya bored?
Talented man Jack-
Always winnin' awards.

Won his first Oscar in 1969
From his small part in "Easy Rider."
His life was goin' fine.
Six years later again
Was his time to shine
For best actor in a movie-
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
In 1975

Lil boy Jack-
Born Irish and Italian.
Bad boy Jack-
Always flashin' and stylin'.
Lil boy Jack-
Hey, are ya bored?
Talented man Jack-
Always winnin' awards.

When he played "Batman's" Joker
He earned bout $50 mil.
In a "Few Good Men" he earned
Five more to add to his till.
Labeled a "Bad Boy", and
He always will.
Lives on Muholland Drive
Next to Warren and Marlon
Up in the Hills.

Lil boy Jack-
Hey, whatcha doin?
Bad boy Jack-
Ya always screwin.
Lil boy Jack-
Hey, are ya bored?
Talented man Jack-
Always winnin' awards.

"Hottest and most versatile
Star in Hollywood."
Producers work schedules 'round him
Cause his acting's so damn good.
He's not a raver anymore
"Cause all good things must end."

Recognized by his dark shades
And his trademark shark's grin.
{He only takes Viagra when he's
With more than one woman.}

Lil boy Jack-
Born Irish and Italian.
Bad boy Jack-
Always flashin' and stylin'.
Lil boy Jack-
Hey, are ya bored?
Talented man Jack-
Always winnin' awards.

Lil boy Jack-
Hey, whatcha doin?
Bad boy Jack-
Ya always screwin.
Lil boy Jack-
Hey, are ya bored?
Talented man Jack-
Always winnin' awards.