Leave Me Alone!

I thought I let you go,
I thought that piece of my heart died away,
So why are you here?
Tell me,
Do you enjoy tormenting me like this?
Do you like to see me whither in pain,
See my weakness overtake my self-control?
I thought I forgot you,
Then why are you in my thoughts once again?
You're the only one I've shed tears for,
I don't know why.
It's not like we were that close or anything,
So why won't you just leave me alone?
You've ignored me for the last 6 months,
And suddenly,
You spoke to me.
You're always confusing me,
Sometimes you talk to me,
Then you ignore me,
It's the same cycle every single time.
Why can't you just leave me alone?
I'm in enough pain without you.
I keep asking myself,
Why did I have to meet you?
Why did I even have to befriend you?
I look around my life,
Do you know what's painful?
Everywhere I go,
I see your face,
So many little details,
They all remind me of you,
Awakening forgotten memories.
Stop coming back to me!
I have to endure life with your presence hanging over my footsteps,
You're always haunting me every single day,
Why can't you just leave me alone?!
I've tried so hard to exile you,
Telling myself you don't exist in my world,
I've slashed my wrist for you,
You don't know how much I want to die,
Why was it you?!
You who cause me more pain than anyone else in my life,
Why do you keep coming back to me?!
I feel so weak!
All I've done for you,
They all seem like I need you,
Well, I don't!
I want to forget you,
I want you to leave,
I never want to see you again,
I never want to hear you again,
You might as well die if that'll get rid of you!
Then I ask myself,
Why can't I just forget you?

A/N: for 7391 again, kinda a sequel to "Promise to Forget"