Her footsteps were quick as she ran through the first passenger car. She had just escaped from the hell of which the weird fucking dude kept his bodies, the employee lounge. Annis's head turned around some to see if her was pursuing her, but nothing. He must not have seen or heard her, thank God. Her footsteps quickened as she reached the bloody mess of which the blonde named Candice must have left behind when she died. Annis quickly covered her mouth with her hand as she turned to the left of the doorway into the space between the first and second passenger car, her eyes focusing in on something she really liked, some switch back stairs that lead up to the second floor. Her hand slowly slid down her mouth, out of the way, as she quickly walked forward, running up the stairs as quickly as possible. First east, then north, just like the stairs in the other car, where she had found all of the bodies. But this was slightly different. Turns out, the second floor of the train was where you'd find the bedroom compartments. They cost about five times as much as a regular ticket, and she almost bought one, but at the last minute she went for the cheaper, less spacious... seat.

She quickly made her way up the stairs onto the second floor, her body pressing against the wall of one of the bedrooms at stuck out some, requiring a person to either walk to the left or right, into two different hallways. In the very middle of course, were the bedrooms. Annis's hand gripped the right side of the bedroom divide, as she peeked over, looking down the hallway towards the open doorway. She could see a body slumped over the banister, bloody dripping down her arm. It was a Xine, who had her head chopped in half, though Annis didn't know all of that... except for the head part. She continued to watch, moving her head some as she tried to get a better view into the room she had been in only a few minutes ago, loaded full of bodies, trying to see if the guy was still in there. And... nothing. She could only see a fraction of the room, but from what she saw, he wasn't there. And that is when she got one of the biggest shocks she had gotten all night... the man she had seen earlier came out of first room infront of her as she attempted to look down the hallway into the room, dragging the corpse of what looked like a policeman behind him.

Annis quickly pulled her head back, covering her mouth with both hands, scared to shit that the guy had seen her. From what she had seen, he dressed in a straight jacket, having ripped his arms free, with black pants and boots, and a sort of... Hannibal Lecter half mask thing that covered his mouth. Not to mention, the giant machete that looked to be about a foot or so long. Annis stood there, silent as possible, as she listened to the man's footsteps go further and further back, until she couldn't even hear them anymore. Both of her hands slowly slipped from her mouth, down her body until they were on either side of her body. As cautiously as possible, Annis slowly looked over the corner of the wall, staring down the hallway towards the end, her eyes widening some as she just saw the tip of the guy for only a second or two, dragging the policeman behind him. Her eyes closed as she turned back, only breathing quickly. What the hell was going on in this train, and how the hell could she get out?

Her eyes shot back open as she stared forward, noticing, for the first time, a door. She was only a few feet from it, and it did lead further away from the guy... "Fuck this" she muttered, running to the right some, before turning, hauling her ass towards the door. Her hand gripped the golden door knob, quickly turning it, as she pulled the door open, literally jumping into the second floor of the second passenger car. The door shut behind her as Annis began to breathe normally, a smile forming across her face as she began to run down the hallway, wanting to get as far away from the guy as possible. Just as she was about to reach the middle of the second passenger car, where a small hallway between the line of bedrooms that would take you to the other side of the train car, a tall black man suddenly stepped from the hallway infront of Annis. She slid to a stop as her heart practically leaped out of her chest, a scream emitting from deep down inside of her throat. The man quickly reached forward, covering her mouth, ending her scream, his brown eyes staring into her's.

"Miss, be quiet. I'm pretty sure the guy heard you. Its not safe here anymore, let's get to my room, it's safe there, I swear. Two other people are there. They'll be glad to see another person." Annis looked up to the man as he lowered his hand from her mouth, her head slowly nodding. "Okay... but what's your name?" His eye brows arched some as he turned his back to her, walking through the hallway, only saying "Nas". She looked back, to the door that lead into the first passenger car. The guy had to of heard her scream... he had to of. Which was a good reason to go to where the guy, Nas, was taking her. His room, she thought he said. Well, he must have sprung for the expensive room. Good thing, she'd have a place to rest. Her eyes moved up some, to see the guy turned the corner, to the left, her feet springing to action, guiding her through the small hallway between the bedroom compartments, taking her to the left side of the train. She looked up, to see the guy standing at the door into one of the bedroms, holding it open for her. Annis smiled, before walking towards him, looking up.

"Thanks" was what she said as she stepped into the bedroom, seeing a man and a woman there. "Hi..." was all she could say as she walked towards one of the chairs, sitting down on it, finally resting after being shocked so many times in the last few minutes. "Hi miss, my name is Munje, and the fair lady here is adiabatik." The woman laughed some as she stared towards Munje, who only winked. "My name is Annis, but tell me. What's going on?" Annis muttered, ending their enjoyment. Both of them stared towards her as Nas closed the door behind him, looking down towards her. "I don't really know... but a guy is killing everyone on board. We know he over in the first passenger car, made his way into the employee lounge second floor, took out half the staff... then I guess he went down and took out the driver's, which would explain us being stopped like this. Then he began picking out passengers on the train. Its been like this for about... twenty minutes? I don't really know. Close to half an hour." Annis stared up towards him, her eyes narrowing. "Then why don't we just get off the train?" Adia looked up to her, frowning some. "It's not that simple. Before the train shut down, I was out in the hallway. I saw where we are. We're ontop of the Myrrh Bridge. Its not very wide.

"Its only meant for trains to go across, a wide cavern that's sorta like the Grand Canyon. Just, with tree's and stuff like that. The bridge itself is about a mile. We're in the very middle. Its about a two thousand foot fall. Maybe even a mile. If we fell, we die. And since this train runs on the right side... there's no way off. The only doors on this train, go off onto the right side. And there is no track there. This is just meant for the wheels, it doesn't cover the entire train. Now, if the doors went off onto the left, we'd have a whole other track to run on and such. But that's not how it is. And we'll have to deal." Annis shook her head as she stared down, she couldn't believe what was going on... "But, why is the guy doing this? What's the point?" Munje and Adia only shrugged, both looking to eachother before turning towards Nas, who had his ear pressed into the door, listening. "Maybe we should go. It's not safe around anymore, not after Annis's screaming." Nas pushed himself off of the wall, walking across the room as he swung the door open, cautiously stepping out. Munje and Adia followed, with Annis right behind, running only a foot or two behind Adia as they headed towards the third passenger car.


The young boy of about fifteen sat in the corner of one of the bedrooms on the second floor of the first passenger car, his knee's pressed against his chest as he hugged himself, hiding his face. His name was Kreep, and he had been on his way back to home at Brooks Haven, when... all of a sudden, in the room next door, a man had screamed, followed by what sounded like a massive fight, before many thuds on the floor. Then the screams started... in the second floor of the employee lounge. He heard so many women scream before they were suddenly stopped. Then nothing but silence. Though, just a minute or two earlier her had heard a scream from somewhere further down, about the second or third car. He was scared shitless, but he didn't want to move. He couldn't. That'd be crazy. Someone must be killing everyone, he thought, in some weird cliche of a horror movie. Kreep wasn't a very big horror fan, but he had seen enough to know what was going on. Probably some psycho being taken to another place on the train, escaped. Something weird like that, who know's. Maybe it was just some guy that decided to take an axe to everybody.

But whatever it was, Kreep didn't care. Though, he did care enough about getting out of here. In whatever way he could... He knew he couldn't stay in this room forever, but for now... It was safe. Sure, the guy had been walking by a few times, into the room next to him... getting the bodies and taking them towards the car above, for some odd reason. It was freaky, but he hadn't came to the room he was in. Why would he? No point really. Too all of that guy... or girl's knowledge, no one was in here. So why come in? Kreep slowly looked up above his knee's as he heard the footsteps once more. They went by, and into the room next to him. But he didn't go inside... must be done with taking the bodies out, so Kreep thought. Kreep reached above, gripping the edge of the bed, as he pulled himself up. But, unfortunately for Kreep, as he pulled himself up using the bed, he managed to shake it just a bit, and something that was ontop of the bed split over, crashing down into the ground. His eyes focused in on it, his bottom lip quivering. He was such an idiot for moving! His movement caused the thing to fall, and...

The guy had heard, as he suddenly had turned from where he was, walking down the hallway only a few feet until he was at the door into Kreep's room. It swung open, the man's eyes narrowing as he looked around. Nothing. No one was in it, but a small tin can was spinning across the ground, until it came to a stop. It must have fallen from somewhere, it was what he heard no less. Something had to have made it fall... but what? Leaving the door wide open, he began to walk into the room, Kreep looking to the side as he lay under the bed, gulping silently as the guy waliked pass. His boots was all he could see. Black, and... blood stained. Kreep just closed his eyes as the guy came to a stop, turning to face the bed. Sweat beads began to roll down Kreep's face as the guy just stood there, doing nothing, until... WHOOSH! His giant machete crashed through the bed, the tip coming out the bottom of the bed. Kreep let out a sudden scream, giving himself away. Now he had to leave, or die.

Kreep quickly crawled out from under the bed, pushing himself as quickly as possible towards the wide open door. He didn't even know where the guy was, time seemed to have stopped for him, as he crawled on all fours for the hallway. And suddenly... the knife came striking down, just hitting into the edge of Kreep's leg. It took away just a bit of skin, and some of his jean clothe, but it didn't really do anything but sting Kreep like a bitch. As Kreep spilled down into the hallway, the man behind him yanked his knife out of the floor, quickly walking for Kreep. He struck down once more as Kreep hit into the wall of the hallway, but found his knife to once more go into the wall as Kreep pushing himself out of the way at the last moment. His head turned to face Kreep as he watched him stand up. Blood was inching down his leg from where he had been cut, but Kreep didn't seem to be bothered with it as he stood up as quickly as possible, running down the hallway towards the second passenger car, leaving the man standing in the hallway.


Sapphire looked up to the floor above her, arching her eye brows as some people ran above them, in the third passenger car. Her eyes followed the sound of the running, her head moving from one side to the other, until the footsteps just faded away, Sapphire finding Alexia infront of her. "You okay Alexia?" She nodded some as her eyes fell upon Sapphire, Alexia biting her lip nervously as she continued to look to Sapphire as she looked to her. "Can we... can we please find a way out of here?" Sapphire looked up to Alexia as the scared girl spoke, Sapphire just frowning. "We'll try. I swear." She quickly turned away from Sapphire as she sighed, looking over towards Mylo, who was quickly looking through the shelves of one of the divides between two train cars. "What are you looking for Mylo?" He looked up towards Sapphire, only shrugging. "A weapon, of any kind, that I can defend myself against that creep." Sapphire's eyes rolled as Mylo continued to search each and every shelf. "Shouldn't you be loving this Mylo?"

He looked up to Sapphire once more, glaring some before nodding. "Sure, its exciting... but I don't want to die here, and I don't want either of you two to die. I don't want anyone to die here, except for that fucker. But still, its exciting." All Sapphire did was shrug, before muttering "I guess you'll write a book about this? A new best seller. Maybe it can push Arrow Rock off of your top selling book of all time?" "Maybe I will, I don't know." Her head shook as she looked down, her breathing escalating. "You would be so fucked up to write a book about real people dying, real deaths? I guess what they say about you is true, your books really have screwed your mind royally." Mylo looked up to Sapphire as he stood up from the shelves, his eyes narrowing. "And I guess what they say about you is true too. You're a fucking attention whore that can't stay out of other people's business. I bet if you survive this, you'll eat up the attention. All the publicity." His voice suddenly changed, to sounding like Sapphire, "Look, I'm a stupid slutty pop star that can't sing, but I survived a serial killer! Feel sorry for me as I stand here with my ass hanging out!"

"Go fuck yourself side ways Mylo. I'm sure the guy killing everyone would love to stick his cock up your ass." Sapphire muttered, as she turned away from Mylo, who only glared harshly, as he began to walk towards Sapphire. "Why you little skank, I should bend you over and kick your ass in. You know what, I think I will." Sapphire turned around to face Mylo, who was only a few feet from her, as he raised his arm into the air. "Will you both just shut the flying FUCK UP?! God, what immature little kiddie idiots. Fuck this, I'd rather be on my own then with you two cretins who can't stop fighting with each other. It's fucking annoying." Alexia quickly turned around, walking towards the stairs that would lead up to the second floor of the third passenger car, as Sapphire and Mylo just stood there, their mouths wide open, as they stood shocked, watching as Alexia walked upstairs. "That little bitch. I can't believe she would say about us." "Yeah, I know Sapphire. Fuck her then." Sapphire looked up to Mylo, before rolling her eyes as she groaned out loud.