The internet is my best friend
It may sound strange, but true.
He's the last thing I see before I go to bed,
And he comforts me when I'm blue.
He makes me laugh, plays games with me,
And teaches me what he knows,
And at night, when it gets dark
His monitor brightly glows.
He never sleeps, he never eats,
He never takes a dump.
And last night he gave to me
A bootlegged Forrest Gump.
I've known him almost thirteen years,
Across time's flow and ebb.
It may be strange, but how many folk
Are best friends with the World Wide Web?
Occasionally we get into fights,
Like when his modem starts to lag,
But then he picked up DSL
'Cause phone lines weren't his bag.
So once again, I have to say,
The 'net is my best friend.
And now I have to tell him this.