"I Wish"

I wish I could tell you how I feel
I wish I could show you how much this is real
I wish you knew how much I care
I wish you knew how much I treasure the talks we share
I wish I could tell you why I like you
I wish I could do so many other things too
I wish I were braver, to just blurt out what I think
I wish everything I did wasn't stupid, and all of my actions were insync
I wish you were holding me in your arms when I'm all alone
I wish that whenever you looked my way, your face was less of a stone
I wish that I could grab your hand and boldly kiss your cheek
I wish that I could stand not talking to you for a week
I wish that I had a chance with you to tell you everything
I wish I had just a few minutes to tell you what I mean
I wish I could tell you how much I feel
I wish I could show you how much this is real
I'm telling you now, how I feel
I am showing you know, that my feelings are real