(Best read OUT LOUD (!!) and totally fast and crazily (especially exclamation marked bits) without stopping for commas – and totally slow and very sleepily when appropriate.. hehe by the time you figure what's meant to be slow, you'll already have screamed it out at the pace of a runaway train and everyone will be looking at you like you're a nutcase ^^)
Goes the clock.
Stare at maths sheet.
Oh my god.
Sitting, waiting.
(Head rolls off.)
Last ten minutes
Of the day –
They expect us to think?
But I am thinking…
Games! Games!
I need games –
But –
Ba-beep. Ba-beep.
Three watches beep around the class.
Kate whispers:
"Half a minute left! Pack up!"
Maths sheet untouched.
Goes in the bag.
Fold it up to do in the holidays.
"BLLINGG!!" goes the siren.
"Waaaaaaaaaa-hoooo!!" Icecream.
All packed up and first out the door.
Run to locker.
Cram whole contents in bag.
(Including cheats and
Walkthroughs printed from the library).
Near the gates,
I see Kate.
She looks displeased.
(I left her in the classroom).
But – no time for that!
Run out the gates
Jump in the train and –
I have to wait.
So bored.
So slow.
No games to play here.
The station pulls up –
I see feet outside
Pounding silently towards
The train door.
I step out in a
Well-behaved Manner…
Off the train –
And run like Bullseye!!
(Or maybe like Sonic the Hedgehog
When the level's caving in).
Stop in dismay – another delay!
Wait for the bus.
So bored.
So slow.
It came late just to spite me didn't it?
Stupid bus. Curse the bus.
The bus comes at last.
Decided there was no point
In running onto the bus.
I am pleased with my
Patience and self-control.
Let the elderly go first…
Let the disabled go first.
Let the three kids go first.
But inside my mind
I can hear…
A car drives past
Rudely shocking me awake.
I shake my fist at it.
But then, I rub my eyes!
I stand in shock!
The bus has gone,
And here am I
Standing on the path
Feeling Stupid
With a capital S
(Let's get Retarded dah deh dah)
Run to the next street,
(Did you know that
Integrating exercise
Into your daily life
Is better than
Religiously running
Every second day?)
I was definitely going to
Make it to zone next term.
Caught the bus!
Yes! The heavens love me!
Jumped off the bus,
Ran home.
Avoided service station
Filled with mechanical creeps
Paranoia creeps in on me
Almost there.
Reaching for the door.
Jam the key in and twist.
The wind blows hard behind me,
Knocking me into the hall.
Run past bedroom!
Throw bag on bed.
Run to computer!
Stab the power on.
*Bip, bip, Beep!*
Starts the computer.
Relax…into the seat…
Ahh, comfortable seat.
Ahh…the Games! Folder.
Panic has dissolved
Trickling away as
The crazed adrenalin
Mind is as peace.
Brain sits in a state of equilibrium.
Until –
Proclaims the game screen.
*Beep* (red traffic light)
*Beep* (orange traffic light)
*Dng!* (green traffic light)
Race, race,
Collect gas,
Collect ammo
Run, run, run…
(This is a true story…well apart from the head rolling off – I dunno why that's there – just sounded right :S
It was fun to write!! And screaming the lines out at my sister as I wrote them hehehe…
that day was the last day of school and we really did have maths last (pity us!) and I've still got that maths homework waiting for me in my bag…it watches me at night (shiver…it's evil I tell you! Evil!!
yes well anyway I hope I've expressed the cravings of an avid gamer…heh)