Red is the rose
Red is the river
Red is the blood

Stained is the knife
Plunging through your heart
Red is the blood
That's rushing out

Red are my fingers
Stained by your blood
A crimson red river
Of your blood

Stained is my soul
Tainted forever
The words are true:
Once a murderer,
Always a murderer

I loved you,
And I still do
If I could,
I would bring you back to life
I didn't mean to
Once a murderer
Always a murderer

I try to run away from my past
But it always outruns me,
Engulfing me
In the darkness of my life
That made me
Take away the life
Of such a pure soul
Like yours

Red is the rose
You hold in your hand
A token of love
I had to give

Red is the rose
Red is the river
Red is your blood

I'm sorry