While the Eagle-man shuffled up the long rocky path toward the crowd, Jeseipo's fear increased, so much so, that his whole body was shaking and he felt sick. It can't be me. There are so many people here, and I'm way at the back; He'll never choose me, he told himself over and over again. Jeseipo had been dreading this day for a long time. This was the day the Eagle-man would choose his child successor, the next Eagle-boy, to offer the sacrifices to the Most-Feared Eagle. Jeseipo looked around, but no one else seemed afraid like he was. What's wrong with me? He rebuked himself angrily. Why am I different? Jeseipo had always been different, set apart from the other boys. While his friends were content in their lives, Jeseipo dreamed of going away, finding truth, and freedom. Jeseipo shook himself mentally - He didn't know why he felt that - he was safe here, with his parents and friends - people who loved him. As The Eagle-man approached, the crowd became quiet. When He came to the end of the path, He bent to the ground and touched it with his forehead. Then the Eagle-man straightened Himself, and approached the people slowly, looking from face to face, searching for the One; his Chosen. It can't be me, Jeseipo thought, trying to reason with his fear, only the lowliest people get chosen, its always been like that! But even as Jeseipo thought this, a murmur went through the people. The Eagle-man had passed the lower people, and was making His way through the higher people - past Jeseipo's friends - and getting closer and closer to Jeseipo himself. Jeseipo put his sweaty hand in his mother's palm, and held on desperately. This couldn't be, this just couldn't be! This wasn't allowed - only the low people, the servants, the poor could be chosen. Right? Jesiepo glanced imploringly up at his parents. His dad looked angry, but underneath this front, Jesiepo could sense confusion, and fear. Jeseipo felt a hot shiver of dread run down his spine. looking up, he saw the Eagle-man's gaze bearing down on him, and his heart felt like it had stopped, no.No!!! With a steady step, and not a flicker of a smile on His face, the Eagle-man approached him. Gasps rang from the crowd. Help me. please, stop this.this can't happen!!! Jeseipo sent his silent plea, over the people; his people. Silence was profound. Not a foot stepped forward. No one met his desperate eye. Stopping in front of him, the Eagle-mans fearless, cold gaze burned through him. He bent, and touched his cold forehead with Jeseipo's burning one. Jeseipo wavered, but his mother caught him, and held him close to her heart. "You. you can't do this. please." She begged Him, softly. "I think you'll find that I can", was the Eagle-man's only answer. Jeseipo's mother let out a sob. His father grabbed Jeseipo's arm tightly, and looked in his eyes, desperately, lovingly, but he had no choice. he gave a small nod. The eagle-man grabbed Jeseipo's hand, and led him quickly away from the crowd. Jeseipo refused to look at anyone; he felt betrayed. They walked down the path, Jeseipo stumbling continuously, his heart thumping, and his head a mass of overwhelming confusion and emotion. Out of sight, the Eagle-man let go of Jeseipo's hand, and they made their way to His cave. "I'm sorry", He said. After a pause, Jeseipo replied fiercely, "No. No you're not". They spoke no more until they were in the cave, warming themselves by the Eagle-man's fire. Jeseipo was furious, scared and confused. He wanted to ignore the Eagle- man, to have nothing to do with Him; but his curiosity overrode this feeling. "How? How can you do that? You aren't allowed to take me, you." but the Eagle-man cut Jeseipo off. "I can choose any boy I like. You should know that by now". "No," Jeseipo replied, feeling hard-done-by, "no I don't. I was told it was always the lower children who were chosen, not us." "Ha! The adults know better. I was a lower child myself, but I can choose anyone, regardless of wealth, or social position - you're all the same to me!" "But.it's unfair!!" "Oh - oh no its not - the lowliest children have had more than their fair share. its now your turn", and the Eagle-man smiled coldly. "Is that the only reason you chose me?" Jeseipo asked, fearfully. "No. No. I've seen you. You're different from the others" "How different?" Jeseipo asked quickly. "I've seen you stand alone, watching the sea, watching the birds off the cliff; while the other boys are playing. You're a dreamer - the other boys are content, but you see that there could be more to life than this. I have a feeling about you." He smiled secretly. Jeseipo flushed. He wished he was like the other boys. He wished he could be with them now. "What's - what's to happen to me?" He asked quietly. "What must I do?" The Eagle-man smiled sadly. "I think you know. But I'll tell you again." He sank down on the cold stone floor, and Jeseipo followed Him. "It won't be easy. you'll never be the same again. It takes a strong person to come up above the life you will live. most Eagle-boys give in to it, careless, broken." The Eagle-man paused before he continued. Jeseipo's innocent, young, and anxious shining eyes saddened Him. He was like that once. He rebuked His feelings, and continued coldly. "You will live in this cave, the life of a recluse - you will be the contaminated one, the only one who has contact with the eagle and lives. You shall not talk to, or see your parents or friends or anyone but me ever again. You will be the one to take the sacrifices to the Most-Feared, the Great Eagle. Every Friday at noon, the villagers will tie a sheep and a goat to the post at the top of the path. Once a month - the week of the new moon, a child shall be tied there, instead." The Eagle-man took a deep breath and continued. "You shall untie them, and take the animals or the child to the Great Eagle's resting place - over yonder" He pointed to a stone slab at the edge of the cliff, in the distance. "There you shall offer the sacrifices to the Eagle."

"H-How do I do that?" Jeseipo's voice trembled. "Wait for the Eagle - He will swoop down and perch on the slab. Then you are to step onto the slab, bringing the sacrifices. Touch your forehead to the ground in front of the Eagle, and then stand. Never look into its eyes. Take the sacrifices and tie them to the post in the middle of the slab. Touch the ground with your forehead, and leave".

- offer sheep and goat sacrifices
- Eagle-man says he will get over it soon - Eagle-boys are so young and
afraid and innocent when they start, but they all soon learn to be
strong, and hard-hearted and unafraid. Because it has to happen,
nothing can be done about it.
- offer himself in place of a girl-child
- eagle bites through rope, bends head and carries J through sky,
forever, no return. Eagle says J is what he waited for - true, noble,
loving, strong, courageous, feeling, sacrificial. His village had lost
all that. But Eagle was not to return, so E.man could return to
village and live in his old age, and teach the people Jeseipo's
attributes, and the integrity of it, and the results.