Firstly, congratulations.

I live in a world where there are so many rules and regulations that the government even control how many children we have. So if you're reading this, you want to escape the system too. Or are already outside it.

This is my story. Who I was and who I am. How I was freed and what I did with my freedom. Just remember: all I am saying is the truth. Believe it or not, that's your choice. If, when you've read what I have to say, you still don't believe me, or think I'm a despicable outlaw, well that's your business. All I ask is that you listen.

I was born what is termed a 'fake'- I was the second child in my family. The government has a law, that you're only allowed one child in each family. My big brother George was always the favourite. You can't love a child that will get you killed if they're seen. The only reason I exist in the first place is because mum thought I would be a girl. That's why she gave me an asexual name- Jamie. George always loved to tease me because Jamie is mainly used as a girls name here.

Anyway, I always wanted to explore as a child, but obviously I couldn't. if the police had found me I- and my family- would have been dead. My parents only choice was to keep me inside where I was (relatively) safe.

I have few memories of my childhood, until I was about ten. I do remember the first time I went outside. Mum didn't know I'd gone out, and I went out into the garden. I wanted to smell the flowers like George. I was always envious of him because he was allowed to go out and play in the sun. I remember how blue the sky was, and how nice the roses smelt. Then it was all spoilt. Mum freaked when she saw me outside.

" if they saw you, they could kill us!"

See what I mean when I said they didn't love me? If the cops saw me, I would die first, and all she could think of was her precious husband and son. Not her 'fake'. Her mistake. That's all I was to them. A mistake, something that shouldn't even be there. An 'it'.

A/N: Please review!