If you want to find out what happens to Selene next (and trust me, you do!), you can download The Puppet Queen for FREE on Smashwords, and it should be free on Kindle soon as well!
Kindle: www . amazon . (com/) The-Puppet-Queen-Sleeping-ebook/dp/B008DNNALC/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1340385474&sr=1-2(no spaces)
All other formats: www . smashwords . (com/) books/view/174525
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***Just in case, all links are without spaces, parentheses removed. Oh Fictionpress, the hoops I must jump through to hype myself
PS: If you want more free ebook goodness, you can download Daughter of the Sea, the story of a Roman girl, who uncovers a connection to the land of Atlantis that shatters her conception of family, the gods, and herself, at the links below:
Kindle: www . amazon . (com/) Daughter-of-the-Sea-ebook/dp/B006O5RK8K
Nook: www . barnesandnoble . (com/) w/daughter-of-the-sea-mira-zamin/1108076354
All other Formats: www .smashwords . (com/) books/view/116070