Hey everyone I hope you enjoy. It didn't take me as long this time to put the next chapter up. At least it was only 4 months and not 2 years lol See what happens when ur supposed to be revising for exams lol
Chapter 10
I shut the locker with a bang causing Beth to break away from the book she was reading and to look at me.
"What'd he do now?" Beth asked with a roll of her eyes.
"Who?" I asked agitatedly as I shoved a book into my bag. It had been a long day already and really wasn't in the mood for a pep talk from Beth.
"Who else makes you bang lockers like that? Taylor of course." Beth said with a laugh.
"Oh he didn't do anything." I said as we walked down the hallway towards our next class. We had biology with Mr Whitten, one of the only classes we had together.
"So what's with the mood?" Beth asked apprehensively as we stood outside the class. I sighed and leaned against the wall as I checked my cell to see if I had any messages but I had none.
"Jason and I were meant to do something last night but he never called and I haven't heard from him since yesterday morning." I said with a sigh. Beth looked at me oddly before pointing down the hallway.
"There he is. Go talk to him." She said as I turned around to see my boyfriend walking down the corridor with the one person I hated in the world, Tina Wilson. The pair was laughing as they stopped at one of the drink machines. Anger raged through me as I watched her laugh and touch his arm. That was mast definitely flirting. I looked at Beth who raised an eyebrow. I took a deep breath before walking over to Jason and Tina.
"Hey Ash." Jason said with a grin as he greeted me. How could he just stand before me as if everything was okay?
"Hi Ash." Tina said brightly as she looked at me, I shot her a false smile before looking at Jason.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked as I smiled at my boyfriend. I was not going to show Tina that I was angry. I wouldn't dare stoop to that level.
"Can it wait we have to get to our next class." Jason said. My face dropped a little before I nodded my head and the pair continued down the corridor. I sighed for a moment as Beth walked up to me.
"So?" Beth asked.
"He couldn't talk." I said angrily as I walked towards my class leaving Beth looking after me. As I stepped into the class and sat in my usual seat I saw that someone else was also in the class.
"Hello Ashlyn." A sing song voice said.
"Dean I'm really not in the mood." I said as I put my head in my hands.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat on the desk in front of me.
"Nothing." I said shortly as I opened my text book and pretended to read.
"Ash, nobody finds biology that interesting. Tell me your problems." Dean said seriously as he closed my text book. I looked at him curiously.
"Why do you care?" I asked voicing my thought.
"I want to know why my favourite bantering partner won't banter." Dean said with a grin. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help a smile. "Ok so tell me your problems." He added seriously. I looked at him reluctantly as I opened and closed my mouth a few times.
"If you were somebody's boyfriend would you want to make them happy?" I asked curiously. I couldn't believe I was actually asking Dean Taylor's opinion. But he was biased; surely he would give me an honest answer?
"Of course." Dean said as if it were obvious. I sighed before thinking about how to phrase my next question.
"If you knew that your girlfriend felt uncomfortable with you being friends with another girl, what would you do?" I asked. Dean was silent as he looked down at my textbooks and thought about the question. The classroom door opened as Beth walked in holding two cans of diet coke. She looked at Dean with narrowed eyes.
"Leave her alone Taylor." Beth said as she pushed him of the desk. He jumped of the desk easily and backed away with his hands in the air in silence. I give him a look as he took a seat in the back of the class. He looked at me before opening his books.
"So I got you this." Beth said as she handed me the can of diet coke before sitting on the seat in front of me. I smiled at her and took the can. "You okay?"
"What's a girl to do but get on with it?" I said sadly as I opened the can. "So did you do the homework? What did you get for question six?" I asked changing the subject. A while later as Mr Whitten was describing something about cells the girl sitting next to me handed me a folded piece of paper. I looked at it curiously before opening it. The writing was neat and in a cursive pattern.
If she was my girl I would cut all ties with the friend. My girl's happiness would be the most important thing to me and if she was someone special I would do anything for her.
I looked at the paper and sighed before reading it a few more times. I folded the paper and put it into my bag. I glanced at Dean but he wasn't looking at me, his gaze was focused on the teacher at the front of the classroom.
This was what I was thinking about as I sat in my mum's car outside Dean's house. I put my hand in my jean pocket and took out a crumpled piece of paper. The writing had become slightly faded along the creases of the paper but I could still read it. I didn't know why I had kept it. There was something about his words that intrigued me. My girl. It sounded nice a bit caveman perhaps but nice none the less. I read the note over and over before I stuck it back in my pocket and looked at Dean's house. My hands were shaking as I looked away. I tried to control my breathing as I ran my hands through my hair. I couldn't believe I was doing this, I hadn't been this nervous in a long time. I exhaled before opening the car door and stepping out.
There was a breeze in the air cooling the hot summer day. I walked slowly up the path before reaching the front of his house. I knocked on the door and waited for Dean to answer. I turned around to look at the street Dean lived on. It was filled with large beautiful houses and Dean's house was no exception. From the outside it looked like it was far too big for just Dean and his mother. My family and extended family could move in with room to spare. I guess this was from Ms Taylor's divorce settlement. Dean's Porsche was gleaming in the driveway, another part of the divorce settlement. I turned around as the door opened.
"Yeah?" I looked at Dean oddly as he greeted me rudely. He turned slightly so I could see that he was on the phone and talking to them not me. I sighed in relief, for a moment I thought he had forgotten about me coming over. And then it dawned on me. What if he decided that he didn't want me anymore? What if he was toying with me? Another of his jokes were he humiliated me? All my insecurities came flooding back to me as I stood on the doorstep of Dean's house. What if he was just like using me like how Jason had? Dean looked at me oddly as he saw my face look almost scared.
"I shouldn't have come here." I said suddenly as I turned my back on him and walked towards the car.
"I'll call you back." Dean said into the phone before shutting it off and following me. "Ash where are you going?" He asked causing me to stop. I turned to look at him and saw the confusion on his face. I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed my arms. It wasn't cold I just felt I had to do something with my shaking hands. "Are you coming inside?" Dean asked with a slight smile. I took a deep breath before nodding my head. I walked towards him but didn't move until I was beside him. He put his hand on the small of my back causing a shiver to run down my spine as he led me into his home.
He closed the door behind us as I looked about his house. I had been here once before when Dean had thrown a party but then it had been rather crowded and I hadn't seen the magnificence of his home. It was a beautiful home filled with calming pastel colours. We stood awkwardly before Dean turned to me.
"So do you want the grand tour?" Dean asked. I nodded my head and added a smile as I tried to not show my anxiety. The tour consisted of the kitchen, living room, the den, the huge back garden and finally his bedroom. His room was big with a large double bed in the middle of the room. In the corner there was a desk with a laptop and various books sitting on it.
"I didn't know you could read." I said with a smile looking at Dean, some of my anxiety slipping away.
"Not only read but I can write as well." Dean said looking proud of himself and causing me to laugh. "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Dean asked as he led me deeper into the room and closed the door behind me.
"I don't know. The hen night is tonight but I'm not to be told anything." I said with a shrug. I walked over to his books and looked at the titles.
"Why are you not to be told?" Dean asked curiously as he sat on his bed watching me.
"They think Becky will get it out of me." I said turning to Dean and smiling. "But I have a feeling NOBO nightclub is going to be involved." I added with a grin. It was about all I knew about the evening and I was looking forward to seeing what else was in store.
"NOBO?" Dean asked then grinned. He stood up and walked towards me. When he stopped there was barely an inch between us. I didn't realise that Dean had this confidence. I was so scared to be here in this room with him yet he seemed so calm and sure of himself.
I wasn't this girl. I wasn't the girl that just hooked up with guys and ended up in their beds. But there was something about Dean, something that had been building up inside of me over the past few weeks. It wasn't even that long actually. It was only a week and a half since Dean and I were pushed together. I couldn't believe my feelings had come on like this so fast. I had never felt this way before and I found it hard to explain. When I looked at him I had his strange attraction towards him, almost like I had to be near him and touching him. I had this wild passion for him like I just needed to be with him. That's what I felt bubbling inside of me when Dean was this close to me. I could feel it now looking into his eyes. I could feel my stomach twist in knots as his rough hands touched my face. I could feel my insecurities build up inside of me once again as he looked at me intently.
"Is this some silly joke you're playing on me?" I asked before I could stop myself. I could see the confusion flash in Dean's eyes as he took a step back from me.
"What?" He asked in confusion. "Why would you think that?" I couldn't control the words as they poured out of my mouth.
"You hated me not that long ago and then last night you tell me that you have feelings for me." I stated as I watched him look at me confusion all over his face. "Is this some joke you're playing on me?" I asked quietly. I could see the hurt flash in his eyes. It soon turned to anger.
"I could ask the same of you." He said angrily. "Is this some sick joke you're playing on me? Last night you were taking me upstairs to your room. What am I supposed to think of that?" He said angrily. He turned his back on me and rubbed his face. "Why would you think I was playing a joke on you?" He turned to look at me with angry eyes. "I told you last night how I felt about you. I was being honest with you. For all I know you could be leading me along."
"This was a bad idea." I said angrily. I looked at Dean for a moment and took a deep breath before leaving the room. I ran down the stairs and out of the door nearly running over Eric as I passed him on the door step.
"Hey Ash." He said as I passed him quickly. I said nothing as I jumped in my car and pulled out of the driveway. I didn't stop driving until I found myself at the beach. I sighed and rubbed my face then leaned my head against the steering wheel.
I can't believe I allowed my insecurities to do that to me. I knew Dean wasn't playing a sick joke with me he wasn't Jason. That was why I was attracted to him. He was a good guy. We may have spent years fighting with each other but I knew he was a good guy. Why would I think he would hurt me like Jason? Has Jason broken me that badly that I can't trust anyone? Of course Dean wouldn't play a silly joke like this. He wasn't … Oh God that's why he went crazy at me? He thought I was accusing him to be like his father. I had told me what his father had been like. He had told me that his father had played devious games with his mother. How could I be so wrapped up in myself that I couldn't see that he had insecurities also? How could I not see that he was so scared of being like his father? I banged my head against the steering wheel and jumped when the car horn beeped. A few people who were on the beach looked in my direction but I paid no attention to them. I picked up my phone getting ready to call Dean when it rang unexpectedly. It was an unknown number and I answered it hoping it was Dean.
"Hello?" I asked hopefully.
"Ash where are you?" I didn't recognise the voice.
"Who is this?" I asked curiously. I didn't give my number out to just anyone.
"It's Hannah. Where are you?" She repeated her question. I know realised who it was. It was Becky's head bridesmaid and best friend.
"I'm just at the beach." I said as I sat back in the chair.
"Well you've got to get home. We're starting the festivities in half an hour." She said excitedly.
"Half an hour? I thought it didn't start until tonight?" I asked curiously as I started up the engine of the car.
"I left a message for you to have your whole day free." Hannah stated.
"Sorry Hannah I didn't get it. I'll be home soon." I said before ending the call and heading home. I had to put Dean to the back of my head now. This day was about Becky.
I put Dean out of my head for the rest of the day and forced myself to have fun. The hen party consisted of my mum, Todd's mum, Alex's – Todd's older brother – wife, Becky, Lana, Hanna and Jenny – the other Bridesmaids, Beth and some of my cousins and Aunts. The rest of Becky's friends joined us later in the evening. We started off at a health spa. Many of us having massages and mud baths, it had brightened up my day slightly. After that we had dinner. Dinner had been a strange affair. We had gone to the restaurant where Jason had worked. I had not been happy about coming here but it was Becky's favourite restaurant. I felt awkward the minute I walked in and saw him working behind the bar. Beth looked at me worriedly but I just shook my head making sure she didn't bring it up. I could see his slightly swollen lip and faded black eye from the night Dean and him had gotten into the fight. Jason stayed away from me. I guess he didn't have much to say to me for once, which I was glad as my mind was otherwise preoccupied with thoughts of Dean. Beth looked at me worriedly a few times at my quiet state. After dinner everyone headed back to our house. For those who were continuing the evening on the hen night could get ready and for those who were either too young or it wasn't their type of evening they were able to say goodbye to the future bride.
An hour later found us sitting in a long pink stretch hummer. My mum, Todd's mum a few of our cousins had left us as well as my aunts except for Lana. Becky was dressed head to toe in white with a veil and garter on. The rest of us were dressed in various shades of pink with 'Becky's Bitches' on the back of the vest tops. There were now over twenty of us which included more of Becky's friends. Everyone seemed to be having fun and getting slightly drunker and drunker. I was heading in the same direction myself. I had to get my mind of Dean and the only way I could think of doing that was by getting very drunk. As expected we had ended up in NOBO, one of the popular clubs in town. During the evening I found myself sitting in the corner talking with Becky. She was past the point of no return in her drunken state.
"You know Ash, you're my favourite sister." Becky said with a giggle as she threw an arm around me. I laughed at my sisters' inebriated state.
"I'm your only sister." I laughed.
"But you know what I mean." Becky giggled. "You know it means a lot to me that you're part of this wedding." She seriously but continued to slur her words. "You're such a good little sister and I know it's hard for you to be in this wedding alongside Dean Taylor." She said sadly. I tensed at the sound of his name. "No Ash listen." She said taking my tension the wrong way. "He's a good guy. And he cares about you." I looked at her curiously wondering how she could know that. "I see how he looks at you, how he's always looked at you. Plus he and Todd are close and Todd tells me things." Becky said touching her head. I rolled my eyes at her but couldn't help laughing. "When you come back from Paris in a few months I think you should think about Dean in a serious way. Not just because I'm forcing you two to be friends." She put her hands up to stop me interrupting her. "I know I know you're going to spend a year in Paris and fulfil your dreams." Becky said in a mocking voice. I rolled my eyes at her. "You know I love you little sis." Becky said ranting on. "I'm going to miss you when you're away. I just want you to know that." She said getting a little upset. If I hadn't been as drunk as I had been I would have noticed that she seemed to be going off on a tangent, not really making any sense.
"I'm going to miss you too big sis. But we all got to follow our dreams." I said with a sad smile.
"But why are your dreams half way around the world?" Becky said sadly.
"Don't be getting weepy or we'll ruin our make-up." I said with a grin.
"I just want to tell you something first." Becky said putting finger up. "You go follow your dreams. Whether it be photography or a boy or whatever else you want to do. You just follow your heart." Becky said before pulling me into a hug and kissing me on the cheek. She wobbled as she stood up before walking away onto the dance floor.
I looked about the packed club and saw Beth standing at the bar texting someone on her phone. I took my phone put of my purse to see if I had gotten any messages. I had none. I knew Dean could be stubborn when he thought he was right. And in this case he was right. I shouldn't have let my insecurities get me down. He knew what I had gone through with Jason and I knew he would never put me in the same situation. I should really have talked to him earlier in the day but it was hard to admit to him of all people that I was wrong. I had done my sisterly duty and made an effort today. I looked at my watch saw that it had just gone past midnight. I made my way towards Beth who was still using her phone at the bar.
"Hey Beth, are you okay?" I asked as I stood beside her. Beth smiled up at me drunkenly.
"I'm fine. Are you ok?" She asked with a serious look.
"I will be." I said with a smile.
"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. I shook my head at her and smiled. This was not the time to tell her that I was madly falling for Dean Taylor.
"Listen I know I told my parents that I would stay with you tonight, but do you mind if I stay somewhere else tonight?" I asked her tentatively. Her eyes widened and a grin spread across her face.
"Who is he?" She said excitedly causing me to smile.
"I can't say right now." I said shyly but Beth continued to smile at me.
"Okay but I want to know details tomorrow." She said wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed at her enthusiasm. I was about to turn away before she grabbed my arms. I turned to look at her serious face.
"It better not be Jason." She said seriously and being very close to anger.
"I'm not going back there, you really don't have to worry." I said putting my hands up. She eyed me for a moment before smiling again.
"Okay, but you're doing a favour for me." Beth said. "If anyone asks I'm staying at your house tonight." She added with an even bigger smile. My mouth dropped at her grin. "Adam's got a free house." She said with a wink. I grinned at her.
"Ok anyone asks I'm at your house and you're at my house." I said with a laugh.
"Deal." Beth said laughing along with me. "Adam's going to pick me up in twenty minutes you need a lift?" She asked hopefully.
"No I think I'll get a cab." I said knowingly. I gave her a hug before going off to find Lana. I found her in the middle of the dance floor. She hugged me excitedly when she saw me.
"I'm going now." I shouted into Lana's ear. She pouted at me and narrowed her eyes. "I'm going to go see someone." I said adding a wink for good measure. She grinned at me and dragged me towards the edge of the dance floor.
"What's the story then? What am I telling your parents?" She asked quickly. I looked at her oddly. "Becky's already disappeared. She's staying with me tonight." Lana said with a wink and a giggle. My parents were so strict that even though Becky was getting married in less than a week she still wasn't allowed a 'sleepover'. Of course my parents didn't know that Becky and Todd practically lived together in college.
"I'm staying with Beth if anyone asks. Oh and she's staying at mine." I said with a laugh. Lana laughed then pulled me into a hug.
"Be good." She said with a grin. I left her and made my way towards the exit of the club.
It was cold outside thanks to the summer heat. The street was dark with not many people about. It was still early for people to be leaving the club. I looked up and down the street in search of a cab but couldn't see any. I started to regret leaving the club on my own. I noticed a few men at the end of the street laughing and joking about something and I started to feel nervous. It was generally a safe town to live in but sometime there were a few occurrences that didn't make the town so safe. I pulled out my phone and started to search my address book. I noticed that the men had started to walk towards me as I bent my head lower. They were only a few feet from and I could hear them laughing loudly. My body tensed as they passed my hoping they wouldn't notice me, however, one of them pulled everyone attention towards me by whistling at me. I didn't look up at them hoping that the rest would ignore me.
"Ash?" I heard his voice come out of nowhere and my head snapped up immediately. The four men walked on at the sound of Dean's voice and I couldn't have been more grateful. Dean walked towards me and eyed the men as he passed them. He reached me and looked down at me worryingly. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said looking from him to the men then back to him. He put his hands on my shoulder and pulled me towards him, hugging me into his chest.
"What did they say to you?" He asked pulling me away from him and putting his hands on the sides of my face.
"They didn't say anything. They barely paid any attention to me." I said closing my eyes.
"What are you doing out here alone?" He asked a touch of anger in his voice. I looked into his deep brown eyes and breathed deeply.
"I was waiting for a cab." I said quietly. "I um wanted to come see you." I added looking away from him. It was a bit difficult as he still had his hands on the side of my face.
"You should have called me." Dean said softly. "I would have come pick you up."
"I thought you would still be angry with me." I said as I looked back at him with sad eyes. He stayed quiet as he looked into his eyes. I wish I could be a mind reader right now. I couldn't read his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was still angry with me but that could be due to the face that I could barely see. He smiled at me then and shook his head.
"Don't use that look on me." He said as he took his hands away from my face and wrapped his arms around me bringing me closer to him. I smiled slightly at him causing him to shake his head and smile.
"So have we decided this isn't some sick joke?" He asked with a smirk. My cheeks flushed pink as I had my face in his chest. I may be slightly intoxicated but I knew that he smelt amazing.
"U forgive me?" My muffled voice said into his chest. Dean laughed and tipped my face up to look at him. He leaned down and kissed my lips lightly.
"So what are your plans for the rest of the evening?" Dean asked casually. I smirked at him and shrugged as best I could with his arms still wrapped around me. "You want to come back to mine?" I raised an eyebrow at him curiously. "I mean I'm not implying anything. Nothing needs to happen." Dean said quickly.
"Let's go back to yours." I said with a grin. "I told my parents I'd be staying at Beth's tonight." I added.
"Speaking off." Dean said quickly as he looked up the street towards the entrance of the club. I saw Beth walk out of the club and look at her phone. Dean pushed me against the wall and stood with his side against the wall hoping to hide me. I looked at him in confusion causing him to raise an eyebrow. "I thought you didn't want anyone to know about us." Dean whispered.
"Yeah but I don't think Beth can see the phone in front of her never mind us twenty feet away." I said with a giggle. Dean looked around and I could see my best friend. Dean turned back quickly and his eyes widened.
"I think Adam can see twenty feet in front of him." Dean whispered. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Alright Taylor?" A voice called towards us and my eyes widened before I buried my face in Dean's chest hoping Adam didn't know it was me. Dean looked towards the voice.
"Hey Adam ow!" Dean said turning back to look down at me. I had bit his chest through his black shirt.
"Don't bring any attention to us." I whispered.
"He can't see your face." Dean laughed as he put his hands on the side of my face.
"You need a ride home?" Adam called.
"Dean?" I head Beth call.
"Hey Beth. I'm okay Adam my car is around the corner." Dean shouted back trying to contain his laughter.
"Dean did you see Ash anywhere?" Beth shouted to him in a slurred voice.
"Um I think I saw her get in a cab about ten minutes ago." Dean shouted back.
"Ok thanks." I heard her mumble. "Oh tell the girl you've gotten hidden I said hello." She said as she giggled. I cringed against Dean's chest.
"They're gone." Dean said a few moments later.
"Do you think they knew it was me?" I asked as I looked away from his chest and into his eyes.
"No I think it was too dark." Dean said with a grin. "Come on I'll get you out of the street." Dean said as he took my hand and led me across the road to his car. Dean opened the passenger side door for me and closed it once I had stumbled into the car successfully. A few moments later found us driving towards his home. Without realising it Dean had his free hand clasped with mine as he drove.
"So can I ask what use got up to tonight?" Dean asked looking at me before turning back to look at the road.
"I'll only tell you the most obvious thing that happened." I said with a grin. Dean looked at me curiously before turning away with his own smile. "Strippers." I said happily causing Dean to laugh. "I never thought watching a half naked man rubbing against my sister would be the funniest thing in the world. She really did not know what to do with herself." I giggled. Dean laughed at my expression.
"Wait til I tell Todd what his future misses got up to." Dean laughed.
"No, you're not to tell anything." I warned causing Dean to smile at me. "We know nothing about the stag night so he shouldn't know anything about the hen party." I said with a nod of my head.
"I'll tell you if you want." Dean offered. I looked at him enquiringly for a moment before shaking my head.
"Nope I don't want to know." I said as I continued to shake my head. I stopped shaking my head when I felt it starting to hurt.
"Are you ok?" Dean asked as he lifted his hand from my clasp and put it against my face.
"Yeah. Just too much movement." I said with a small smile.
We reached his house a few moments later. I got out of his car and stood on his doorstep as he fumbled with his keys. I stopped him before he could pass me and open the door. I was the same height as him as he stood on the footpath and I stood on the doorstep. I could barely say the colour of his eyes in the darkness with only the glare of a streetlamp to see. He looked at me oddly as I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Why were you at NOBO?" I asked him curiously with a hint of a smile on my lips. I ran his hands through his hair before looking at me sheepishly.
"I came to see you." He said clearly despite the look on his face of embarrassment on his face.
"And what were you going to say to me?" I asked as I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I was going to apologise for being rude today." Dean said softly. "Why were you coming to see me?" Dean asked as he tilted his head. I smiled widely at him.
"I was going to apologise as well." My smile dropped slightly. "I shouldn't have allowed my insecurities to cloud my judgement about you." I said quietly causing Dean to smile.
"We'll not let that happen again." Dean said with a nod of his head. "Now let's get inside before Mrs Humphreys' curtains start twitching." Dean added with a laugh as he looked at the house across the road. He led me into his house just as my phone beeped. I looked at the message and saw that it was from Beth.
You get wherever you were going? ;-) Oh bit of gossip I think Taylor has a new girl saw him with her outside the club x
I read the message causing my eyes to widen.
"Are you ok?" Dean asked as he saw the look on his face.
"Yeah Beth just text apparently you've got a new girl." I said with a small smile.
"Oh yeah? Any idea who she is?" Dean asked with a smile. I shrugged with a small smile as I text back to Beth.
Yeah I'm where I'm supposed to be lol any idea who Taylors girl is?
Dean walked towards me and smiled as he took my hand.
"Are you worried about what they know?" Dean asked quietly as I stepped closer to him.
"I don't think they'll understand." I said with a shrug. Dean nodded his head as my phone beeped again.
Nope didn't see her face u gonna tell me who ur with?
I rolled my eyes at the message but smiled. I put phone away and wrapped my arms around Dean.
"You know you haven't kissed me today." I said seriously. Dean raised an eyebrow at me.
"I guess I'll have to do something about that." He said quietly before leaning down and kissing my lips lightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to my body. I could feel a strange stirring in my stomach as my lips parted and he ran his tongue along my bottom lip. I had never felt anything like this before. This need to have him closer to me, to be touching him I had never known anything like this. Dean pulled away from me and trailed light kisses along my jaw line and down my neck. I nearly went weak at the knees as he did this. Nobody had ever made me feel like this. I grabbed at every inch of him as he pulled at my waist.
"You look really good in pink." Dean's husky voice whispered into my ear. His warm breath sent shivers through my legs.
"I look even better out of it." I whispered as I bit my lip. This caused him to pull me closer to him and kiss me hungrily.
"Don't say things like that." He said as he tilted my head back to get better access at my neck. I had only just realised that we were still standing in his hallway. It wasn't exactly the most appropriate place to be doing what we were doing.
"Let's go to your room." I said hoarsely as his lips travelled from my ear to my neck. He pulled away from me and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure?" Dean asked as he put his hands on the side of my face. I needed my head and bit my lip. He hesitated as he watched me.
"Dean I've never wanted anyone the way I want you right now." I said as I stared into his eyes. He smiled at me before taking my hand and leading me up to his room.
Please review I really wanna know what you guys think of how this story is turning out. I've been thinking about rewriting this story for a while. I've grown up a lot since writing the very first chapter and I'm not happy with the immaturity of my writing. But it's just an idea right now. Whether I get around to is a completely different topic lol Anyway hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to get the next one up after my exams … hopefully lol