A/N: My friends and I randomly write these kinds of fics when we're bored. so here's one of my entries. For other editions, look up Candy_yum_yum and writergrl11. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! *ahem* excuse that. Anyway, the adventure begins!

Lalalalaallalalalallalalalaa aaaaa aa!

*deep creepy announcer dude voice* Sitting on the floor in a creepy dark basement, surrounded by magazine clippings and gum wrappers, are three overly tired sugar drunk girls. Beware.

"REMUS IS MINE!" screams Laura, clutching a fan drawing of the character and rolling around on the floor, "MINE MINE MINE!!!! MUAHAHAAHHAHAAA!!!!"

Jessie and Mia look up for a few seconds, shrug, and then return to beating each other up while insisting that each deserves Orlando Bloom more. As Laura realizes that she has no competition, she gets up and walks over to judge their reasoning.

"He has brown eyes, like me!" Jessie screams, pulling at Mia's hair.

"But do looks really matter?" Laura asks calmly. No one replies.

"But he has a lot of MY interests!" screams Mia, digging her nails into Jessie.

"Ya," mutters Laura, "but opposites attract, remember?"

Mia hears this and stands up, glaring at her friend. "Did you just hint that we weren't made for each other?"

Everything is tense. no one dares to move a muscle. Slowly. very slowly, Laura responds, "Give me one good reason you are?"


"He. I. He.." Uh oh, Mia seems lost for words here., "HE'S REALLY HOT!"

"Oh, ok." The other two say in unison, completely satisfied with this answer. Jessie thinks for a second, and then declares, "If you get Orlando, I get that totally cute Brooklyn boy from Newsies. Well, the teenage version at least. And I also get teen Sirius!"

"Well then I get Remus! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!" This obviously came from Laura.


Jessie And Laura stare at Mia as she goes through one of her. moments. *ahem*

"Um, she can have Draco, but I get Tom Felton. No questions asked."

Meanwhile Jessie is running around the room squeaking at abnormally high pitches: always a hint that there's chocolate somewhere near. Chocolate, as you should know very well, always means the end of a fic. Aloha!


Ya. we're weird! Review! MWAHAHAHAAHA!!!!