I have done my best to write this poem as a Terza Rimma Sonnet ( meaning ten syllable count in each line and a rhyming scheme of aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee ). Please have mercy on me when reviewing, and please take into consideration that English is not my native language.

Persephone's Plight

She strolls along the solitary beach,

The moving waters curl around her feet

- frigid kiss on her skin of golden peach.

Aloof, an argent star which from her seat

Had slowly slid into the misty night

With just one blink, its lids forever knit.

She wails - wrapped in a shroud of colour light

She cries her bitter anguish and hot fear,

Translucent drops of light shimmering bright

Into the fog. Alas! He is so near!

The eerie shadows melt to slowly form

The figure of the God that holds her dear.

"Persephone!", his voice is strangely warm

As were his arms, a shelter from the storm.