Hi there... well this is my first story so be nice to me...and I hope you like it. It's not much but it'll get better as the story so be gentle on my and enjoy!!!!

Yuki of Life and Death



"Yes?" her husband answered.

"Let's go take a walk"

"But its cold darling" he whined.

"But the stars are shining really bright tonight"

"What if you get sick?"

"I won't so please?" she begged with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay Okay but if you get sick its not my fault"

"Yay!" she yelled in victory.

The couple walked silently in the cold night, hugging their expensive coats around them. Admiring the scenery of their surroundingsa chilling wind blew past them making them cuddle for warmth.

"HUNNY! HUNNY! LOOK! LOOK!" she squeled tugging her husbands arm.


"A meteor shower!" his eyes followed to where she pointed to. "Wow they're so close" she said dazed. "Hey, why is one of them green looking?"

"I'm not sure darling."

"Hey! It's landing near us."

"OooOoh it's so pretty" his wife said pointing straight at the green ball of light heading their way. While the meteor was heading straight at them, every bare sakura tree it passed bloomed sakura blossoms.

"Levitation" her husband said using his levitation skill to move the meteor more to the left so it won't hit them


The ball of light flew right pass them and headed towards the gazebo behind them. The light emanated it's green signature from the gazebo. Every sakura tree surrounding the gazebo had also bloomed blossoms that were now cascading to the ground.

"Close call eh?" the husband asked the wife while observing the scenery.


turns left......

turns right......

turns 360.....

"There you are!" he runs after his wife whose going towards the gazebo. When they reach the gazebo the green light had started to dim. The couple starts to see a baby forming through the brightness. Soon the light only emanated dimly from a odd marking on the baby girl's forehead.


"Whats wrong darling?"

"She is so~ kawaii" she screamed picking up the baby from where it layed on a pile of sakura.

The child slowly pulling from its slumber because of the noise, revealed her glassy orbs she held. She looked up seeing a beautiful young woman staring adoringly upon her.

"AHHH........She even has black pretty eyes." she squeled again at the amazing sight.

"Can we keep her?!" she turned around suddenly and asked her husband with puppy dog eyes.


"Can we keep her please!" she cut him off.

"But-" he got cut off again.

"Can we~" taking no for an answer making her eyes teary.

"Okay okay" he said falling into his wife's trap"But, she will be your responsibiltyand if you neglect her shes going to the adoption center."

"Yay" she yelped in happiness." I'm going to be your new mommy now little one." she whispered to the girls and kissed her on the nose. The bundle just blinked a couple of times. Soon it started to snow. "Hmm....what shall I name you little one..."she said as she looked around like she was asking nature to give her a clue. Then she took notice of the the first snow fall in winter. "okay...your name will be Yuki " she said softly to the child in her arms.

"So what do you think of her hunny" she asked him.

"She's an angel" he said after taking a peek at the girl.

"hey~...I thought I was your angel" she said pouting

"You are darling you are"


As they were walking towards the house he noticed that
the trees around the house didn't bloom like the rest of them out towards the gazebo.'She must be a gifted one
like us" he thought.