Soul Mate
(Five Years Later)
It had been several years since that incident occurred and everyone went off to live their own lives. Though everyone kept in touch the only ones that were never seen again were Helena and Randy. Now they all were only five years older but not much wiser.
Chris had been pushed by Bastien to find a successful agent to try and make a singing career. She finally yielded and as it turned out she became quite famous through her hypnotic voice. She had only released three albums and ten singles but she had already won many awards for her greater hits. Her career was booming and finally one day she decided to come out to the press about her relationship, hating having to hide it from everyone. Though Nicole was reluctant, she did what Chris wanted and they revealed themselves to the world. Oddly enough no one minded, Chris never lost in popularity and no one scolded them for their lifestyles.
Now it was known that the acclaimed author Nicole Oak was actually in a serious relationship with the singer Christine Maykas. After high school Nicole had enrolled in to a literary university to further her writing ability. Seeing that she was already a published author it wasn't hard to publish another book, then another. Soon she herself had become rather popular in the fiction world. Her books attracting all ages and types, winning its own awards here and there. Then she became a full time author with a famous publishing company that admired her works. Now she had to write about five books a year and deal with annoying deadlines. She took it in stride though because she wanted to at least be somewhat worthy of being known as the lover of Christine Maykas.
Their dear friend Bastien, who was only nineteen at the time, had already become a reliable president to a powerful branch to his father's company. Though he was gay and his father still refused to accept it, he was still the next in line to take over the company after his father which put a lot of responsibility on his young shoulders. As he got older Bastien was able to explore more with relationships but sadly got hurt in the end when he thought they were getting serious. Really people only sought him for his vast fortune and nothing else, no one wished to see the person inside. So finally giving up Bastien now just keeps a few sex friends, whom he showers with lavish gifts to keep them happy. Chris doesn't agree with this lifestyle though and hopes that Bastien would soon find the man meant for him.
Brennan had done well for himself as well. After high school he received a full athletic scholarship that allowed him to shine in a university football team. After graduating he was scouted and asked to join an official team. Gladly he accepted the opportunity and is now known as an amazingly talented quarterback. Though he wouldn't mind going public with his own relationship with Danny, he could understand that his lover was a respectable person in the scientific world. So he stayed silent but that didn't stop Danny from coming to each and every one of his games no matter how far it was. Though Danny was not the sports type, he knew his football thanks to his lover and was even able to help Brennan with his throws by adjusting the angle to give it the farthest possible distance. They spoke with Chris and Nicole often and remained amazing friends.
Danny had gone to a university of sciences and graduated with high honors, regardless of his very young age. He ignored the offers made to him by large companies and instead joined Bastien's company. He was made chief of the science staff in no time and though many challenged him because of his connections with the higher ups no one could deny that he was a genius in his field. Danny had already made great improvements on certain drugs to make them more sufficient but he was still unable to cure the rhino virus, a common cold, like he had promised Chris. Though he was away a lot during gaming season it didn't stop his work. That was what was most impressive about Danny, how he could take his work to the hotels and still make progress. He was happily living a life of bliss with his perfect job and wonderful lover.
Mayla had been the biggest shock of all. After high school she went to a university of the arts and graduated with many offers to join theatre companies or the big screen. Not one to go away from a good opportunity she chose the big screen and had become a praised budding actress who added a rich texture to whichever movie she was in. Apparently during university she had become good pen pals with Cindy Savage. They spoke and even met still after Mayla found out that Cindy was a lesbian. About two years later Cindy's attraction was answered and they became a couple! To everyone's shock, especially Chris! Cindy had become a well trusted surgeon and doctor in a well known hospital but was also trying to get used to the glamour that Mayla brought to their shared condo from her high paying jobs.
Though no had heard a word from Helena it is quite obvious what happened to her, seeing that she was in magazines all over the world. Helena had been recognized for her stunning good-looks and great body. She had become a super model in no time with fashion shot after fashion shot. It was in a popular magazine that said she was married to a Randy Martin, a commended composer who also directed one of the greatest orchestras in the U.S. Their life seemed happy from the many pictures of them in the gossip magazines. It had not been shocking at all that they had wed.
Now Chris paced back in forth in a small lighted room, wearing a sleek peach gown but not looking at all happy. Nicole stood in the same room wearing her own dress made of baby blue colored silk but pleasantly ignoring her lover's foul mood. "You're making a big mistake. The biggest mistake of your life!" Chris growled under her breath, continuing her unrelenting pacing. Nicole rolled her eyes at the immature statement and strictly told her lover to shut her mouth. But Chris would have none of it, "You still have a chance to just walk away from this you know. After today there will be no turning back and you'll be stuck."
"Oh, Christine, cayate!" her mother scolded as she placed a veil on her eldest daughter's head, while her youngest daughter's lover helped fix a crooked flower. Robin stood in front of a full length mirror, staring at herself in a beautiful wedding dress her mother had made just for her. It was a gorgeous gown that hugged her in all the right places but still left her looking like a modest bride. Though her breasts weren't as ample as her sister's, her mother was able to make the dress so that they looked as plump as melons. She couldn't imagine how perfect the dress was looking on her. To bad it wasn't for another hour that the ceremony would take place, so all their guests could take their seats.
"But ma can't you see this is a mistake," Chris whined, not enjoying the scolding she was getting for trying to help. And Nicole wasn't even on her side! Her lover was gladly helping her sister make a huge lapse in judgment. When she tried to make another comment, her sister made a breathy whisper of what she looked like in the dress. Chris sighed, "Robbie, you're beautiful, you know you are. That dress looks breath taking on you but couldn't you where it for someone else?" Chris tried once more, guilt stabbing at her heart when tears began forming in her sister's eyes for the lack of support. Chris knew they were fake tears but guilt was something her family knew best. "Alright, alright, I'm shutting up. Get married to him and make little devil babies."
Chris ignored her mother angry reprimands at her daughter's disrespectful comments. Robin automatically calmed herself, knowing her sister would not make another comment of her choice of a groom. While checking for zits, Robin made an off handed comment to her sister, "Hey Christy have you seen the guest list yet?" Satisfied by the lack of face blemishes Robin decided to relax in a large chair placed in the room for her relaxation.
"Why would I? This is your party," Chris answered slouching ungracefully in her seat. She was in a bad mood and she knew she would get it from Nicole when they got home for being so unsupportive but she couldn't help it. The thought of her future brother-in-law sent chills down her spine. It was revolting that her sister could love such a man, her sister was such a hard working woman, and she deserved a much better groom.
"Oh, nothing much. I just happened to invite some of your more famous friends," Robin answered, accepting a glass of water from her mother.
"Then I'm going to go check if they're here yet and say hi," Chris replied, only feeling the great desire to leave that room knowing if she stayed she would make more comments about the wedding. She silently closed the door behind her and finds her way to the main room of the large church they rented where the guests were gathering. She saw to the side what she thought was Danny and Brennan but kept looking to the right side of the room unsure of where her other friends might be. She froze at the sight of dirty blonde hair and a nice figure in a splendid rose satin dress. Her sister had invited Helena to the wedding.
It was then that their eyes met in silent awe. Helena didn't look upset but she didn't look happy at seeing Chris, actually she looked kind of sad. To Chris's shock, Helena actually walked towards her, frowning more with each step. When they were finally face to face Helena whispered, "We need to talk," as if they were exchanging some sort of secret. Chris nodded unsure of what else to do. So she followed Helena up the stairs of the church and on to an outdoors balcony where they would have as much privacy as one could get at a wedding. "So how have you been?" Helena began the conversation simple, her face spelling out that she didn't want to say what she really wanted to say.
"I've been good. Being a singer has become a lot of fun and the house me and Nicole bought is really beautiful," Chris answered uncertain of how to tell someone who was once your best friend your life so far.
"So you're still with Nicole?" Helena asked with no real contempt in her voice. She wasn't even looking at Chris, rather staring at the pinking sky as sun set slowly began. Chris felt a deep pang in her heart at such a question. Could it be that Helena still hated her for loving Nicole the way she did? She couldn't take it anymore, after so many years she was finally letting it sink in the Helena may never forgive her for her lover.
"Yeah I'm still seeing Nicole. I can't live without her Helena. I'm sorry," Chris apologized sadly, tears rolling down her face as uncontrollable emotions welled up inside her. She boldly looked Helena right in the eyes; though her face was tear stricken and apologized again, "I love her so much, she's my soul mate." Realizing how bad she must look, she began rubbing her eyes crazily, trying to erase the evidence that tears had passed. When she was finished and looked up at Helena, she was surprised to see tears going down the girl's face.
"Why are you apologizing idiot?" Helena was barely able to speak through her own emotional sobs. Years of pent up tears swelled in both of them and they started bawling in unison. Helena was able to snivel out, "I'm the one that has to apologize." Their cries were relentless and amazingly no one came up to check why two grown women were weeping at the balcony. Soon they were both tuckered out of tears and were able to calm down enough for proper speech.
"What do you mean you have to apologize? I'm the one that's sorry. If it weren't for my relationship with Nicole then none of this-"
"I don't hate homosexuals," Helena interrupted, shifting her eyes not willing to see Chris's beyond stunned face. Chris could only ask for an explanation, clearly remembering being called disgusting for being in a relationship with Nicole. "I don't hate gays. Probably not even in high school," Helena further explained but still left it all quite vague. Then why did she storm out of Chris's life if it wasn't because of her orientation?
"Then why?"
"Remember when we were little and played everyday together? We loved each other like sisters, really loved each other," Chris nodded, a smile forming on her face from the happy memories being retold. It still didn't explain much though. "We grew up together and I love you became a constant thing with us. Until that bastard did that despicable thing to you," Helena hissed, even today resenting a dead man that deserved everything he received. "You're heart grew cold and distant and you could no longer utter the word I love you. I understood why even then and accepted it knowing we were still like sisters.
"And you did get better but those words still wouldn't come out. I kept going on though knowing that you still did love me even if it wasn't said anymore. Then once you were fully healed I would be the first person to hear those words," Helena frowned repeating her ideas for the future when she was still in High School. "I was happy to wait for you. Then that day during graduation I saw you and Nicole in the garden and I thought nothing of it until you told her, I love you. Something broke inside me. I felt that by you saying it to Nicole meant that you no longer loved me at all, that I no longer had a place in your heart. Don't get me wrong I understood that the love that you had for Nicole and the love that I wanted were completely different but that didn't stop it from hurting. So I snapped at you, I couldn't stop myself from feeling betrayed at the time because I was still an immature teenager.
"Now that I've grown I began to understand that the reason you were able to change and begin saying the words I love you at all was because of Nicole. Once I realized that through your love for Nicole that you got better, that I should thank Nicole for opening your heart. So I came here set on apologizing for the terrible thing I did to you the day of graduation. So," Helena turned away from the sun to face Chris square in the eyes and tears streaming down her serious face was able to say. "Christine I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. Can you ever forgive me?"
Chris was shocked by everything her old friend had just said. She never knew that Helena felt this way. Even in High School she always loved Helena like a sister but never knew Helena craved the words as well. Thanks to her damn trauma she had lost one of her closest friends. Wiping away her falling tears she replied, "There was no reason to apologize. I forgave you years ago and only hoped we could become friends again later."
Helena smiled, delighted that she was forgiven for her deeds. "I better go apologize to Nicole too," Helena decided walking towards the entrance to the balcony.
"Wait!" Chris cried out, wanting to say one more thing before they surround themselves in the crowd. "I just want to say, Helena, that I do love you and I always have," Chris made a goofy smile, a light blush came to her cheeks reminding Helena of the silly high school student Chris used to be. Feeling her emotions well up inside her once again Helena made a dash for Chris and hugged her as tightly as possible, having her hug returned. It felt so good to know that Chris didn't hate her after everything she had done. "Come on, I'll go with you to Nicole. If she doesn't forgive you at first just ignore her. I'll talk to her later because she can hold a grudge longer than I can."
Together they went back in to the church in a search for Chris's lover. They were able to find her helping the bride with her dress again, the ceremony soon about to start. They were able to grab Nicole to a more secluded area and Helena was able to apologize for her previous actions. Nicole was reluctant at first until Chris pinched her side, hard, and she yielded and accepted Helena's apology. They left on a good note for the ceremony was about to begin, Nicole and Helena went to find their seats as Chris rushed to her spot as the Maid of Honor.
The ceremony began beautifully, the bride impeccably dressed in a stunning wedding gown and her groom trimly suited in his tuxedo. Through all this, Chris glared at the groom with his sleek blonde hair, baby blue eyes and so-called perfect skin. What the hell was her sister thinking, marrying Ian Walters? The guy was the thorn of her high school life and dared to follow her sister to college! Not only that but he started dating her! It was the biggest shock of her life five months ago when Ian visited her parents' house and asked her dad if he could marry Robin. She was disgusted when her father welcomed Ian with open arm in to the family and now here they all were.
"I do," Ian answered the priest without hesitation, trying to ignore the death glares his sister-in-law was giving him. Maybe it wasn't his greatest idea teasing her in the past. Ian soon exchanged rings with Robin, spoke his vows then let her do the same. They shared their first kiss as a married couple and that was it. The entire church lifted in cheer for their union except for one certain Maid of Honor, almost livid from discontent.
"Could you try smiling once for your sister's wedding?" Nicole scolded as the crowd headed towards the now married couple. Chris looked so unhappy that it was starting to depress some people. "Listen you're just going to have to deal with him as family now. Your future nieces and nephews will be his kids too."
"They won't be together long enough for him to get her pregnant," Chris declared, staring as Ian and Robin happily got in to their convertible. Their honeymoon flight would be in four hours so Robin was able to toss her bouquet to random relative and drive away. The whole thing was finally over; Chris thought happily turning to face Nicole, who had a funny grin on her face.
"Don't you wonder why they had the ceremony so quickly?" Nicole asked, hinting at a greater meaning. Chris thought about it for a second. It was strange, when they at first wanted the wedding to take place another six months from now but two months ago they started speed planning. Suddenly realization dawned on her face and horrified she stared at her lover for answer. "They found out two months ago that she was already pregnant," Nicole replied walking away from Chris's rant.
"That bastard got her pregnant! No wonder she couldn't walk away! He trapped her! I swear I am going to make him wish he was never born!" Chris screamed in complete outrage, panting from exerting so much energy. Nicole paused knowing that Chris's tone was about to change. "Nicole," Chris cried softly. "What am I going to do? Robbie is pregnant and married to that horrible man," Chris caught up to Nicole and dug her way in to Nicole's arms, seeking comfort. "She'll never be happy."
"Now how do you know that? Sweetness, you can't stop your sister from loving him. Just like no one can stop us from being together. Your sister is strong and stubborn just like you are and in love with that man. If you really want to see her happy then try and accept him. That's it, come on, lets go home," Nicole placed a gentle kiss on Chris's pouting lips, trying her best to console her. They went home together and Chris absorbed Nicole's words knowing she was right. Her sister loves Ian just like she loves Nicole. Her sister was off being happy. To bad, Chris had already been ridiculously happy since she met Nicole. Her soul mate.
I was finally able to finish this story! I'm so happy! I hope everyone enjoyed and will read the next installment of the series with Bastien's love life. Bye Bye!