A/N: I'm thinking of abandoning this project (at least for awhile) in favor of my other story.  I just don't really have a clear idea of where this is going (pesky plot- who needs it?), but I do like the characters and underlying idea- so I may pick it up again.  Give me your thoughts- I yield to peer pressure.  ;-)   -Aemilia

Chapter Three

            Beck wearily replaced the sword on the rack with the others.  When he'd woken up this morning, he'd thought that he knew the greatest suffering possible.  Now he realized that he had been terribly, terribly wrong.  What he was feeling now was the worst suffering ever, and he had a sneaking suspicion that tomorrow he'd be reassessing again.  Every thing hurt, his arms shook, and he had difficulty just walking in a straight line.  Maddy Kay had run him into the ground.  He didn't know how anyone, human or not, could manage with what she put him through. 

            "Hey, Beck."

            Beck wiped the sweat out of his eyes and managed to focus on Vaughn.  He grunted, too tired even to form words.

            "You look like a man who could use a drink."  Beck was sure that he did.  "Some of us are going for a quick pint or two- you in?"

            Beck nodded gratefully.

            "Well, come on then."

            Beck wondered if they were going to have to drive, but the small bar that Vaughn led him to was just across the ally behind the big Sterling & Sauls building.  He could have passed it a hundred times and never seen it; somehow he thought that was no accident- especially when he saw the clientele.  They were the same sort as he was now training with.

            Vaughn waved to someone in one of the back booths; apparently they were meeting Vaughn's friends here.  Vaughn pulled the now-nervous Beck along with him and they squeezed into the booth.

            "Hi, boys and girls.  Kids, meet Beck- the new guy.  Beck, this is Nex," Vaughn indicated a small, lanky being with huge eyes and spidery hands, "He's a goblin in Information Services, but we don't hold it against him. Next to him, is Shealealayalanth- well, it goes on like that for awhile.  We just call her Sheila.  She's a water sprite.  That's Rithin."

            Rithin stuck his hand out and Beck took it.  Rithin shook it extremely vigorously.  He looked normal- except for over-sized incisors.

            "I'm a werewolf. Woof," Rithin grinned at Beck, finally releasing Beck's hand.  "We're on the same security team."

            "Glad to here it," Beck said politely.

            "And of course, you've met Maddy Kay." Vaughn concluded.

            Maddy Kay scowled at him from the other side of the booth.  Beck was a little afraid she was going to take a pot-shot at his shin under the table.

            The waitress came around with drinks.  When he realized that Maddy Kay was just drinking beer like the rest of them Beck felt relieved and a little disappointed.  They all set into their drinks, and started to talk.  Mostly about things Beck didn't know about, but it was still pleasant just to be part of a group.  It had been a long time since he'd had any real friends.  He hadn't realized how lonely he'd been till now.  The waitress came around again. The beer was a stronger brew then he was used, but it tasted good.

            There beer relaxed him some. It didn't matter how strange his new friends were.  That when Rithin howled with laughter, he literally howled with laughter.  That Nex had a tendency to spit when he got too excited, and he was easily excited.  That Maddy Kay still absolutely loathed him- wait, that did matter.  He wondered why she hated him so much.  She was quite beautiful, he reflected, when she wasn't wearing her habitual grimace.  Hang on, he was checking out a vampire chick- the beer must be getting to him, more then he realized.

            "Hey, I don't mean to be rude or anything, if this is rude," he interjected during a lull in the conversation. "But um…I know what they are…" he continued looking at Vaughn.

            "Say no more, my young friend.  You want to know what species my own illustrious self belongs to."

            Beck nodded, "If you don't mind…"

            "Of course not.  I am a proud member of the greater fae."

            "You're a fairy?!" Beck exclaimed in slightly-drunken surprise.

            They entire table burst into raucous laughter.

            "Oh, my dear child," Vaughn said suppressing laughter, "You have no idea."

            It took Beck a long moment to process this and come to the right conclusion.  When he did, he blushed scarlet, utterly failing to play it off.

            "Oh," He said in a rather small voice.

             This only sent to the table into even further paroxysms of laughter.  Even Maddy Kay's eyes were streaming.   Eventually they settled down, but not before a good deal of teasing.  Beck knew he would never live it down.  Especially not with a bunch of immortals.  That was one of the good things about humans- you could always hope you'd outlive them.

            "Alright, I've got to go," Vaughn said draining his glass, "Beck, how are you getting home?"

            Beck's head was propped heavily on hand.  For the past hour it had been sliding off at regular intervals; he'd jerk to full alertness only to drowse off again.

            "Hmmm? Oh, gonna walk- s'few blocks," Beck replied with what he thought was admirable clarity.

           "I wouldn't trust you to make it to the bathroom on your own.  Guinness is never going to make you their poster boy. Not until you learn to hold your alcohol.  Maddy Kay, why don't you take our inebriated friend home?"

            Beck was too drunk to notice her usual glare, but her tone managed to penetrate his fuzzy brain.

            "If you're so concerned, you drop him off."

            "Well, as much as I'd like to put him to bed..." Beck completely missed this comment, which was just as well as he would have reddened again.  "It would do your nurturing side good.  Come on, Maddy Kay, we all know that you're only tough on the outside, on the inside you have a soft nougat center."

            Maddy Kay growled, "Beck's not the only drunk one here- but at least he's quiet.  Come on," she said sliding gracefully from the booth and yanking Beck roughly to his feet.  She slung his arm around her neck and half-carried him out. 

            The street it was dark and deserted.  Beck briefly wondered what time it was- probably close to midnight.

            "Ms. Cook…"

            "Don't call me that," she said.

            "But you don't want me to call you Kaddy May…" Beck had a vague feeling that this conversation was not going well.  "An' if you don't want me to call you Ms. Cook…" he trailed off trying to remember what his point had been.

            "Fine, call me Maddy Kay, if you must."

            "You don't like me much," he said loudly, as they made their way clumsily down the street.

            "Nothing gets by you, does it?" she said wincing as he yelled in her ear.


            The simple question caught her off-guard.

            "I just do."

            "Oh…good reason."

             They walked, or at least she walked and he staggered, in silence for the rest of the way to his tiny flat.  He fumbled with the key, till she got exasperated and opened it for him.  She effortlessly hauled him inside and chucked him on his couch like a sack of potatoes.

            She paused at in the door way.  He was already asleep, mouth hanging open. 

            "Well, Beck, back to the question of why I hate you. You see, there was this guy who I didn't hate.  In fact, I did a lot more then not-hate him.  I loved him.  And guess what my beloved did when I gave him the gift of immortality?  I know, I know- it's painfully predictable.  The oldest tale in the world.  But I was young and an idiot.  After he shattered my heart I sort of made a promise to myself- to not be an idiot again and fall in love with unfeeling, faithless men."  

            Beck snored noisily.

            "You're all the same." She shut the door.

            Beck woke in the morning with the nauseating feeling he had missed something important.  But that might have just been the hang-over.