Place the filter to my lips
Take a draw and hold it in
Savor stinging smoke, let it escape with a hiss
And contemplate all the things I could have become
Dancing in the pale moonlight
A tiny star amongst the black
Smoke travels out in the darkest night
Cloudy waters crash and lap
Matching breath let out in sighs
One last draw and then it's gone
Flip the butt into the tides
Listen to silent bird song
Spread my arms in welcome bliss
Close my eyes, see nothing at all
Take a step and down I slip
You doused my hopes and now I fall
Take a draw and hold it in
Savor stinging smoke, let it escape with a hiss
And contemplate all the things I could have become
Dancing in the pale moonlight
A tiny star amongst the black
Smoke travels out in the darkest night
Cloudy waters crash and lap
Matching breath let out in sighs
One last draw and then it's gone
Flip the butt into the tides
Listen to silent bird song
Spread my arms in welcome bliss
Close my eyes, see nothing at all
Take a step and down I slip
You doused my hopes and now I fall