
He awoke to a soft chanting in the distance. Try as he might he could remember nothing of where he was or what was happening; Or, for that matter, anything else. Even knowledge of his own name was denied him. Confused, he tried to open his eyes to get a glimpse of his surroundings, but found that for some reason he could not. Now thoroughly confused and feeling the beginnings of fear, he tried in vain to move, to speak, even to feel. Suddenly, with a cold wave of fear, he realized that there was one more thing he couldn't do. Breathe. A chill ran up his spine as he came to realize that there was nothing save the soft chanting that seemed to be coming closer; or rather, was becoming more clear as his mental fog was slowly lifting.

He focused on the chanting, trying to make out the words but understanding none of it. Suddenly, the chanting stopped. Now there was only silence, Terrifying, all-encompassing silence.

He slowly became aware of something. A feeling, very faint, but a feeling nonetheless. Frantically, he grabbed for it, as though it's pleasant warmth meant the difference between life and death. For all he knew, it might.

The warm feeling grew to the point where it became almost hot, then suddenly faded. Leaving behind the feel of something, solid.stone. A stone floor, he concluded. Why was he lying on a stone floor? At least it was better than the nothingness from before.

He heard footsteps now, slightly below him and somewhere off to his right. He must be on a table rather than a floor; otherwise the sound of the footsteps wouldn't seem to be below him. A voice came to him out of the darkness; a cold, intense voice.

"Welcome back, warrior," said the disembodied voice. "I am bane"