Okay, I am back from...... nowhere. Sunday was my birthday (September 19th)
and I am now 16. Yay! But I still can't get my license until Febuary....
. But okay about the poem.... I don't really know what triggered it, but
I DO know that it's pretty much about someone being abused. I'm not quite
sure what to think about it yet or if I even like it, but I'll let ya'll
decide first and then I'll form my opinion from yours. lol.
Also, I'm working on another poem and seeing how it turns out so check back
periodically just to see when it's posted (those of you that ADORE me.....
Anyone....?). lol. Oh! And thank you ennel mennel bee and Novus Opiate
Seclorum for adding me to your favorites! I feel so so loved! ^_^
Anyway. Poem time. lol.

Your Love Will Never Last

Keep me under wing, my friend.
Or lock me up in chains.
Wrap me up in lies again
To hide what love remains.

Slit my wrists to bleed me dry
Of everything I love.
Pull me down and let me cry,
Until I've had enough.

But turn around and tend my wounds.
And hold me in your arms.
Careful not to touch a bruise.
Or do me any harm.

I know that this won't last for long.
It fades away so fast.
Just like the dew at early dawn:
Your love will never last.