A/N: It is often said, that short fiction comes from real events with the question "What if?" added. That question turns the event into something that could've happened if only the world, or even the person, were a little different. Such is the power of the writer to give their stories twists and turns and change it to their satisfaction. Sometimes, though, these stories, which author's planned out with care, can change into something the writer hasn't expected. This adds to the element of surprise for the reader. They may expect something, which has been done often enough that they already know the ending once they begin reading. Then as they read on they see that this story is a little different.
Lil' Green Feet
At age 6 Viv believed in mystical creatures. And no matter what anyone said could sway her. Little ones are often the most bull-headed. So when her teacher, Mrs. Sunn said they were going to try catching them she was especially excited. Mrs. Sunn sent flyers pinned on the children's shirts saying that on St. Patrick's Day they were to bring strawberry containers. During those days the containers were made of green plastic shaped into a box in which strawberries were placed and sold at the supermarkets. They looked like a cage of sorts. 'If you have no containers I will provide' the flyer stated.
St. Patrick's Day came and almost all the children came with their containers. The ones that didn't were given some by the teacher. During recess the kids were to bring back sticks they found on the playground. Viv found hers under the slide and received a bump on the head for her troubles. Upon returning to class, Mrs. Sunn showed the children how to set up their 'trap'. The plastic cage was put upside down and propped up by their sticks. Some had trouble and she went around fixing them and giving out compliments.
"Good job Vivian. But try moving it further away from you, we wouldn't want you bumping into it", she told her. Viv, beaming, obeyed Mrs. Sunn and put it at the corner of her desk. The day dragged on, as they learned about insects and mammals. Finally it was time for lunch. That day they were given vanilla cookies with green frosting shaped into a 4-leaf- clover. Along with this treat they had milk, potatoes, and vegetables. Because there was a rule stating that students were to eat a portion of their lunch, most kids mixed the food they disliked. If they finished earlier they were allowed to go out for extra recess. Vivian headed for her favorite place, the swings. Cynthia wanted to swing on the bars but Viv convinced her to come along. From a different class Marissa was already swinging.
"Higher!" Marissa yelled. Pointing her feet. Viv swung so high she could brush the leaves with her feet. Marissa, smaller than Viv pouted when she could go no further than an inch away.
"Wanna jump?" Viv asked, noticing Marissa's quickly darkening expression. The three slowed to a comfortable height and jumped. They laughed, about to do it again when the bell rang.
"Bye Marissa!" Cynthia said. Marissa waved, heading towards a trailer, which was her classroom.
"Look what they left!" was the first thing Mrs. Sunn said upon entering. Every cage was down and inside were 3 gold coins, glinting in the sunlight.
"Look!" Robert cried, pointing at the floor. Viv knelt and studied the wooden floor. Green footprints were scattered everywhere. From desk to floor, floor to desk.
"Humans were here!" Vivian danced a piece from the ever-popular Moonbeam dance. "I knew they were real! I knew it!"