Feeling the pressure build
My head wants to explode
Leaving friends behind
Or is it they're leaving you?
Education always comes first
Even before your friends
Since when?
Parent's pressure
Parent said
Can't do anything
But listen instead
Nothing to hold on to
No common ground
Blowing away
Slowing dying in my own way
Want to get my knife
Stain the floor a new blood red
Pressures not worth it
But friends are instead
I hold on
Try to keep them close
But slowly losing grip of most
When they're all gone
What'll hold me here?
Breaking down
Falling apart
So in the end
Is it all worth it?
What's the point?
Why live?
Searching for the answers
That seems to never end
Breaking me apart
I'm falling down
Nothing to grab
No one to hold
Where does it end?
When does it stop?
Stop right then
Stop right now