Sorry I'm not perfect
Sorry my grade went from an A to a B
I'm sorry that I can't be that perfect son
For which you imagine me
I'm sorry I'm me
I'd change that if I could
Trust me
I would
But I can't
So why can't you just accept me
I'm not that perfect son
I know I'm not
But I can't help it
My grades are slipping
I'm sorry
But since when is a letter grade
All that matters
Why is it that that letter
Defines who I am
Why can't you all just let me be
You learn from your mistakes
So let me learn from mine
Stop trying to take away
My friends
My games
My life
Just let me be me
I'm not perfect I know that
But I try
Isn't that all that matters
Education is the most important
When back in time
Most didn't even have one
Since when did a letter mean so much
How is it that life revolves around it
Just let me be
Stop pressuring me
I know I'm not perfect
But when have I ever been
Since when have I ever had to be
Up till now