TITLE: Reverie

AUTHOR: Mackenzie Anderson

SUMMARY: A girl is haunted by the events in a strange dream world where she's kept as a sex slave to a powerful man... But what is reality, and what has her mind fabricated? (edited for sexual content)

WARNINGS: sexual situations, slavery, language, blah blah blah...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yep, this is it. The end. I actually finished something preens Heh, maybe I shouldn't advertise that the entire thing has been done since August. Nope, not a good thing. Anyway, to the very few people who actually read this far, hope you enjoyed it.


She awoke to Christien trailing a wet rag along her forehead, and moaned in pain. "Wha... What's going on?" she asked, looking at him bleary-eyed.

He looked at her with surprising gentleness before answering, "You had a terrible night... You tossed and turned... Were you having those nightmares again?"

She looked at him, stunned shock showing in her eyes. "You know about the other place?" she whispered, unable to believe what he was implying.

"Of course I do... I was told about them before acquiring you, kitten. Your previous owners didn't think it was fair not to mention the fact that often you kept them up all night tossing and turning, whimpering and crying about someone named... Karah?"

"Karah," Oliana whispered, diverting her eyes. "And Isabel... Oh god..."

Christien almost delicately took her chin into his hands, forcing her to meet his eyes, eyes that were almost... Gentle and concerned about her. "I'm rather fond of you, kitten. I hope you know that. The only reason I do the things I do to you is that I want you to be perfect so that I'm not forced to sell you... The last thing you need is yet another home. Now, I think it's time that you start to face reality. I know that you hate the life you were sold into, but it cannot be helped. It's done. And you need to start to accept the facts."

Again, her eyes flashed with bewilderment. What was he telling her? This wasn't something she'd been through her entire life, not even in this dream world. "This isn't real. You don't really exist. I should be dead! I killed myself in reality, so why did I wake up here? Why am I dreaming when I shouldn't exist anymore!" she burst out in a scream, her eyes growing wild.

The feeling of his palm connecting with her cheek snapped her back to attention. "Stop trying to tell yourself that this isn't real, because it is. This is the fourth time you've created an alternate world for yourself, from what I understand, and you've killed yourself in each, starting over again in a world that you think can erase this one. That is over, Oliana!" he screamed, for the first time referring to her by name. "I am not a cruel master; I am probably the best you will find in your entire life. I treat my slaves like royalty, if they only listen to me. And you will learn to listen, to obey... When you do, the slaps, the herbs, the humiliation... All of it will stop. Do you understand me? But if I even have the slightest inkling that you're trying to remove yourself from the real world, then you will be punished. I want you to enjoy your life, pet. I want you to realize how fortunate you are."

"Fortunate?" she spat. "I am not fortunate. I am your sex slave, nothing more. You don't care about me, not as long as I listen to you and do as you say. You don't want me to be a person, you want me to be a toy. A pet. That's all."

"Damn you, Oliana! You aren't listening. But then again, you never have, have you?" Christien asked icily. "You enjoy this. You know you do. Don't you realize?" he shouted. "The reason none of this truly exists to you is because you don't want it to. You're terrified, even though you made this choice." The second his words hit her ears, she knew it was true but didn't want to believe it, didn't want to acknowledge that this might be real, might be her own choice. How could she have chosen this over her other life? But then... By trying to kill herself, by rejecting that life, she supposed she had... She had accepted this life by hanging herself in the other. She had made this choice, because something about this life was better than the life she'd left behind. Maybe now... Maybe now she'd realize, truly realize that this was it. It may not have been the perfection she sought, the wonder that she'd expected... But it was her life. And she had to accept this. She ducked her head, tears slowly sliding down her cheeks.

Quietly, she murmured, "Yes, Master...I know."

"Good kitten," he replied, stroking her hair, petting her like a beloved pet. "Good, good kitten... It's good to have you back. Now, kitten... Show me that you respect me. Show me who your owner is."

With a nod of resignation, she slowly moved to her knees before him, asking demurely, "May I bring you pleasure, Master?"

He smirked, replying, "Yes, kitten... And then I will show you how wanted you are, how loved... This is your life, Oliana. Embrace it."

As she took him into her mouth, she did.
