The ultimate paradox.
Is time linear
or is it in a multitude of patterns?
how does the past effect the future
and how does the future effect the present?
Time justifies eternity.
all things must come to an end
Death ends life
so does life end death.
Black and white are not colours
nor are they good and evil
though they are frequently represented as such.
Evil can never by destroyed
but take comfort that neither can good.
But nothing is truly both.
What is cold but the absence of heat
One extreme is not so without another
So the calm before the storm is not so
Stand still and you have travelled a great distance
Travel a great distance
and you will find
that the destination is only the sum of your starting point and the journey
The human sprit is a small flame
But who can tell when this will turn into a great fire
A drop of water may kill the flame
but it would stand no chance against the inferno
The only way to stop it is to deprive it of life
which is easier said then done.
It is easier to destroy then create
But nothing can be truly destroyed
If this makes no sense then you are sane.
If it does then your probably not
or you're a great philosopher.
All this is represented
in the babblings of the very young
or the ravings of the very old.
Fate rules everything
but so does chance.
Everything you chose to do
no matter how small
If you had picked something else
who knows where you'll be.
And we're back to time
the ultimate paradox.